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Poll: What are TV’s scariest episodes?

What’s your scariest TV episode? Is it ‘Dr. Who’s’ “Blink,” ‘Buffy’s’ “Hush,” or ‘American Horror Story’s’ pilot? Or, are you afraid of real life horror stories like Tom Cruise? Let us know what gives you nightmares!

by An Nicholson

Poll: Who should play wonder woman?

Who do you think would make the best Wonder Woman? Even if ‘Wonder Woman’ didn’t make it to the fall lineup, we can still speculate. Who would you have cast: Maggie Q, Alison Brie, Olivia Wilde, Mary MacCormack or Emily Rose?

by An Nicholson

The search for “the next big thing” … according to Simon Cowell

Has ‘The X Factor’ judge and former ‘American Idol’ alum lost his marbles?

by Michael Noble

Who is THE hottest Hawaii Five-0 character?

So which of the ‘Hawaii 5-0′ hunks would you most want to be stranded with on a deserted island? They’re all hot; but, are they all interesting? Who would you choose for your continuous daytime (and nighttime) companion?

by An Nicholson

Saturday Night Live – Alec Baldwin / Radiohead

Red Flags, giant snakes, and soldiers’ dying wishes. It’s the 37th season premiere of ‘SNL’, and we’ll have embedded video clips of most of the sketches here when we’ve got ‘em!

by Keith McDuffee

Two and a Half Men – Reactions to the season premiere

After weeks of controversy and chaos, it was now time to have a look at ‘Two and a Half Men’ version 2.0, with Ashton Kutcher stepping in to replace Charlie Sheen. How did the show deal with Charlie’s departure? How does Ashton’s character fit in the new storyline?

by Isabelle Carreau

Poll – Who is TV’s wackiest doctor?

Whether timey-wimey, lupus-assessing (it’s never lupus) or gross and crustacean, there sure are lots of kooky doctors on TV. And some of them even SAVE lives!

by Katie Schenkel
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