CliqueClack TV
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What was the best cable show of the year? – Poll

The original programming offerings on cable continue to increase each season. It is time to pick your favorite cable show! From all the amazing options, what is the best cable show from the last year?

by Carla Day

What’s Summer Glau’s best role? – Poll

The CliqueClack team has come together once again during ‘Firefly’ week to discuss nominations for Summer Glau’s best role. Vote in the poll and elaborate in the comments.

by Debbie McDuffee

Firefly: What’s your favorite episode? – Poll

Yep, it’s still ‘Firefly’ week and this time, the CliqueClack team weighs in on their favorite episode of the series that should have been much, much longer. Vote in the poll and elaborate in the comments!

by Debbie McDuffee

Firefly: Who’s your favorite character? – Poll

The CliqueClack team had plenty of nominations on who their favorite ‘Firefly’ character is. Let your voice be heard in the poll and the comments.

by Debbie McDuffee

What was the best network show of the season? – Poll

Over the last week you have nominated your favorites for the best network show of the season. Now, you can vote for your favorite!

by Carla Day

What was the best show of the season? – Poll

Last week, we asked you to vote for your favorite season finale. Now, we want to get your nominations for the show on network television that had the best overall season!

by Carla Day

What was your favorite season finale? – Poll

The regular television season officially came to an end last night, so we took a look at all the finales and picked our favorites. What was your favorite season or series finale? Vote!

by Carla Day
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