CliqueClack TV
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Did The Office live up to its own hype?

“It’s good. It’s just that, I wish the puppets would talk more about the alphabet. Not for me, but, if any kids are watching? A, B, and so forth. You know … MNLO, P … F.” – Kevin, on puppets

by Aryeh S.

Curb the Character Cancellation – Poll

The end of the regular television season is almost here, which means it is also time to find out if your favorite show will return in the fall. What character would you miss the most from your favorite borderline show? Vote for your favorite in CliqueClack’s Curb the Character Cancellation Poll!

by Carla Day

Unscripted dramas: What will they think of next?

In case we didn’t have enough unscripted dramas, A&E is putting out ten more! Can you tell the difference between the real shows and the phonies our team made up?

by Rachel Blum-Jose

The Amazing Race – The scenery was more amazing than the race

Teams fight the elements in the Swiss Alps and each other in a Swiss chocolate-making kitchen, and a misread clue proves to be fatal to one team.

by Chuck Duncan

Curb the Cancellation – What show do you want to see back? – Poll

The end of the regular television season is almost here, which means it is also time to find out if your favorite show will return in the fall. Will your favorite make the cut? Pick your favorite borderline show in CliqueClack’s Curb the Cancellation Poll!

by Carla Day

I’m not an American, but I play one on TV – CliqueClack Poll

Many of our favorite shows are undergoing a British (and Scottish, and Australian) invasion. Here, the CliqueClack team discusses the most impressive foreign actors in American roles. Vote for your favorite in our poll!

by Rachel Blum-Jose

Who should fill Cannell’s seat at Castle’s poker games?

Even though Stephen J. Cannell is irreplaceable, Castle’s tribute got me thinking about what other authors I’d like to see cameo in a poker game next season. A couple of the CliqueClack team members weigh in as well.

by Debbie McDuffee
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