CliqueClack TV
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Poll: What’s the best ensemble cast currently on TV?

Aw … cooperation. Working together is what makes the casts of a lot of shows worth watching. Read about our favorites and vote for yours!

by Debbie McDuffee

Poll: Who are TV’s best love triangles?

If love makes the world go round then love triangles make the television world go round. Who are your favorites?

by Ivey West

Poll: Who is the best trio currently on TV?

Trios. They support each other through thick and thin and we love ‘em. Our team offered a bevy of television trinities, a sampling of triplets (most) everyone is on board with. Do you agree with us?

by Michael Noble

CommercialClack – Dolph Lundgren vs. A Unicorn

Wow. Tara and Michael must be blissful. A CommercialClack with a unicorn, Dolph Lundgren and a flame thrower. (Oh … and something about internet security …)

by Michael Noble

Poll: Who is the Best TV Duo currently on TV?

Back in the day it was Kirk and Spock, Batman and Robin, Starsky and Hutch. Today, it’s House and Wilson. Brittany and Santana. Castle and Beckett. That perfect pair of TV friends. We’ve nominated a ton of our favorite TV duos. Which pair has the most chemistry? You decide!

by Ruby T.

When do you watch Friday Night Lights?

The final season of ‘Friday Night Lights’ will air in the fall for DirecTV, and the spring for NBC. When will you be watching?

by Ivey West

CommercialClack – Twister!

Tara & Michael banter about a 50 year-old ‘game that ties you up in knots’. And, somehow, Archie, Woodstock and Screaming Yellow Zonkers get tossed in the mix.

by Tara Shrodes
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