CliqueClack TV
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Play Bachelorette with Covert Affairs’ Annie Walker

Vote in our poll and help us (and maybe the network?) choose the most eligible bachelor for Annie Walker.

by Jeff Kirkpatrick

Can Glee’s second season match its first?

‘Glee’ was a juggernaut in its first season, hype-wise if not ratings-wise. Can they sustain the momentum, or are we in for a disappointing second season?

by Ivey West

Poll: What summer TV character makes you laugh the most?

I’m stuck deciding between Parker on ‘Leverage,’ Shawn from ‘Psych’ and about three others. It’s a good thing the rest of the CliqueClack writing staff is (slightly) more decisive than I am….

by Debbie McDuffee

Quibbling Siblings – The best season of Buffy

Every week brother and sister team Bob and Debbie take on a new topic. This week: Which season of ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ was the best?

by Bob Degon

Poll: TV characters who never should have been killed off

Jenny Calendar. Elizabeth Weir. Mr. Eko. Henry Blake. What do they all have in common? They were all killed off before their time. Which TV character’s death pissed you off the most? Vote in the poll, and leave a comment. It’s time to vent!

by Ruby T.

Poll: What’s Adam Baldwin’s coolest role to date?

Adam Baldwin has mastered the art of playing grouchy, obnoxious characters. But we love him anyway! What’s your favorite role of his?

by Debbie McDuffee

So You Think You Can Dance – And then there were four

The quartet left standing are the cream of this season’s crop. They’re all strong, they’re all worthy in their own way.

by Michael Noble
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