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Poll: Did you like the way Ugly Betty ended?

As ‘Ugly Betty’ came to an end, every fan of the show was probably wondering one thing: would Betty and Daniel wind up together? Now that the series finale has aired, how do you feel about it?

by Ruby T.

Psych, Yin and Yang: it’s poll time

I tried to restrain myself from one last post on the ‘Psych’ finale, but I just couldn’t. So, here’s a poll for you: who’s the most likely candidate for Mr. Yin?

by Keith McDuffee

Saturday Night Live – Jude Law/Pearl Jam

Massabations, poisoning Spaniards, Secret Words, and an ominous warning on using a boombox. The last ‘SNL’ until April!

by Keith McDuffee

Saturday Night Live – Jennifer Lopez

Definite props to a host who appears in nearly every skit who’s also the musical guest. For once the best skit was the cold open with ‘We Are The World 3,’ and here are the lyrics.

by Keith McDuffee

Liz Lemon: loser in love

’30 Rock’s’ Liz Lemon has had no shortage of boyfriends over the years, yet somehow every relationship ends badly. Here’s an homage to all her previous boyfriends. Which one is your favorite?

by Bob Degon

Jack Donaghy gets all the girls

Jack Donaghy is quite the lady’s man. Who was your favorite woman in Jack’s life?

by Bob Degon

I want to punch American Idol judge Ellen DeGeneres in the neck

How am I liking new American Idol judge Ellen DeGeneres? I want to move my hand in a way that would indicate “not so much,” but it’s busy punching her in the neck.

by Aryeh S.
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