CliqueClack TV
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Saturday Night Live – Sigourney Weaver/The Ting Tings

I know a few people were hoping for Sigourney Weaver to do a skit around her role on Ghost Busters. Well, may have not gotten that one, but she at least made reference to two others. Definitely a good sport all around, an OK performance, but not the most memorable guest. Cold Open: Larry King […]

by Keith McDuffee

Was last night’s Idol better without Paula?

I realize we’ve yet to see the makeup of the new panel of judges on American Idol (Ellen DeGeneres joins when the show hits Hollywood), but we did get our first exposure to life without Paula last night. So, what did everyone think? Personally, I loved it. As much as I think Kara DioGuardi is […]

by Aryeh S.

The American Idol monster returns

The juggernaut that is American Idol is about to devour us yet again. Next Tuesday night, January 12, at 8PM, the talent-less talent show returns for its ninth season. And already I’ve got DVR headaches. I should back up and say that 1) Yes, I watch the show, and 2) I am one of the […]

by Aryeh S.

24 vs Lost – Is it possible to like both?

Lately, I’ve been looking forward to some of the shows that are going to be returning in the next few months. Of course, I can’t wait for the final season of Lost to start, but I’m also excited about the return of Damages and Breaking Bad. One show that’s not really on my radar is […]

by Bob Degon

Golden Globe nominations, CliqueClack style – Best Comedy/Musical

The 67th Annual Golden Globes nominations were announced this past week, and as is usual for a bunch of talkative bloggers like ourselves, we’ve got our own take on who we think should take the award for each category … that is, from those who were nominated. If there’s time before the awards date (January […]

by Keith McDuffee

Golden Globe nominations, CliqueClack style – Best Drama

The 67th Annual Golden Globes nominations were announced this past week, and as is usual for a bunch of talkative bloggers like ourselves, we’ve got our own take on who we think should take the award for each category … that is, from those who were nominated. If there’s time before the awards date (January […]

by Keith McDuffee

Does Morena Baccarin’s haircut make her look like Michael Cera?

Yesterday, an innocent conversation amongst the CliqueClack writers devolved into a discussion of Morena Baccarin‘s hair for her role as Anna on V. While the super-short haircut gives her a very distinctive look, the Firefly beauty now bears an uncanny resemblance to awkward, young Michael Cera. Compare the photos above, side-by-side. Some have even spotted a […]

by Ruby T.
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