CliqueClack TV
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Saturday Night Live – Gerard Butler; Shakira

Tonight marked a first for SNL, as it ran the entire episode with only one sponsor. The dress rehearsal sketches were actually the best part of the episode! In fact, why the hell doesn’t SNL simply run the dress rehearsals for the live show? Seriously, isn’t the funniest stuff on the show these days when […]

by Keith McDuffee

Three reasons to watch Sanctuary – Guest Clack

Santuary‘s on Syfy tonight, and frequent reader of CliqueClack, Ruby T., is Guest Clacking today with a few reasons why you should be tuning in to the show. Ruby is a writer from Chicago and a science-fiction/fantasy aficionado (all right, a geek). 1) It’s derivative, but in a fun way. I always enjoy spotting a […]

by Guest Clacker

Are we being too hard on FOX?

Last week I went on about how I think Dollhouse should be shown the door. Dollhouse fans have their petitions at the ready, and their Twitter avatars changed, in support of the show. Then you’ve got people like me who say the show deserves to be canceled, thinking, “what the hell is FOX thinking, keeping […]

by Keith McDuffee

Saturday Night Live – Drew Barrymore; Regina Spektor

I remember many years ago that, when a guest was scheduled to appear on SNL, it was a near certainty that at least one skit would be all about some movie or TV show that the guest was associated with. What the hell happened to that? I miss those days of SNL. I think we […]

by Keith McDuffee

Is Saturday Night Live the most important political show on television?

Saturday Night Live seems to go through many up and down cycles. Heck, even from episode to episode the quality of the show can vary greatly. Through it all, though, one thing has remained constant: SNL has always satirized and mocked the politicians and current events of the day. The program has hysterically lampooned just […]

by Bob Degon

Poll: What chat / live-blogs would you attend here?

You may have noticed that we’ve had a few chat / live-blog posts here the past few weeks. We call them both a “chat” and a “live-blog” because the system we use, CoverItLive, is more of a live-blogging platform than a chat interface, but so far it’s worked very well for us. The attendance for […]

by Keith McDuffee

Saturday Night Live – Ryan Reynolds; Lady Gaga

Tonight I was surprised not more was done with the Polanski case, but Weekend Update took it on a bit. For some reason, though, the doors to the SNL studio flew open for a few notable cameos, one of which will likely have people talking. We’ll update the below with video clips of the skits […]

by Keith McDuffee
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