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As we bid adieu to West Wing week, we want your opinion

Sadly, we come to the end of our week highlighting The West Wing. And while we could write hundreds of additional articles on CJ’s wardrobe, and the many biblical references spouted by Jed Bartlet, we need to move on to other matters of television importance. However, as we leave you with one last look at the series, […]

by Richard Keller

Entourage – Two possibilities for Ari Gold’s future

Last night’s Entourage had one bit of big news for us, and it all focused in on one Ari Gold, his future, and the future of his agency. Once again, Vince took a very far back seat in this episode, only showing how much the boys rely so much on him and keep his cellphone […]

by Keith McDuffee

Diary of a House Virgin – How are things going to end?

(Season Two, Episodes Twenty One – Twenty Four) I’m a bit of a finale whore. I tend to watch series finales of shows that I’ve never much cared for just because I want to be in on the hype, but it doesn’t stop there. As much as I hate cliffhangers, I do like how good […]

by Ivey West

Would you watch Entourage without Ari Gold?

Let’s say you heard a rumor about Entourage, that Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven) is being written out of season seven (that’s next season) of the show. Just, you know, hypothetically. Pay no attention to the big storyline being set up for Ari in the season finale (I won’t spoil it for you here). As a […]

by Keith McDuffee

The Practice virgin’s diary – Great guests, so-so cases, and Jimmy in a death spiral

(Season 2, Episodes 25-28) Not surprising that Donnell and Associates is beginning to take on a new look. I’m actually surprised that it took this long for the little cash and respect that they’ve earned to begin to transform the place. Did I expect it would involve reorganization? No — I just thought that they might […]

by Aryeh S.

Dark Blue season one finale – Will it be back for season two?

Don’t get me wrong — questions aplenty remain. But the finale provided us with more insight on Carter than we’ve ever had before. The flip side is that the entire story was fairly predictable. My wife called the wrap-up mid-episode … I suppose we can’t have it all. It was also somewhat disappointing that this was […]

by Aryeh S.

So … What show gets canceled first?

I’ve been mulling this post for a while, but all of this Defying Gravity business finally broke my indecisiveness. The good ole Cancellation Watch is one of my favorite fall pastimes. This year, there are some pretty good candidates. As you’ll see after the jump, a lot of the team are hating on the NBC […]

by Ivey West
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