CliqueClack TV
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Diary of a Buffy/Angel Virgin – Spike and Oz take the road trip to crossover town

(Buffy Season 4, Episodes 3-4) (Angel Season 1, Episodes 3-4) Now that’s a crossover between two shows. Brilliantly and seamlessly handled. This is why I chose to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel back-to-back like this. I knew Whedon had dropped little treats like this in for his loyal viewers, and now I can […]

by Jason Hughes

Who should be Bones’ permanent assistant?

As season five of Bones draws ever nearer (Thursday, September 17th, according to our 2009-10 calendar) there’s one primary question that needs to be answered: who will becomes Bones’ permanent assistant? After Zack decided go nutso at the end of season three, Bones and the other Squints have had to deal with a small cadre of […]

by Richard Keller

Millionaire is coming back! Am I supposed to give a damn?

Ten years ago, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire graced the US airwaves. It marked the beginning of an avalanche of reality programming that started from across the Pacific (including Dancing with the Stars, and that beast American Idol). It was a downright phenomenon, capturing the attention of nation. Unfortunately, ABC bashed America over the […]

by Bob Degon

Is Entourage having trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time?

Seems to be a fairly popular topic of conversation these days (well, something along those lines). From newspapers to magazines to websites, a lot of viewers and critics are questioning whether or not the boys of summer have it anymore. In fact, we even had an internal debate about it this week, here at CliqueClack. […]

by Aryeh S.

Groking a sense of humor

There’s an old video sort of making the rounds again that I’d like to share with you — it’s embedded below. However, I’m not sharing it with you because I find it funny. In fact, I don’t find it funny at all. But, if you’ve seen this video and any posts surrounding it, including the […]

by Keith McDuffee

HawthoRNe – When the only thing going for it is a guest star, is a show worth your time?

I seem to be continuing my enjoyment / boredom relationship with TNT’s newest question mark, HawthoRNe. I’m also about past the point of “it would be foolish to stop watching at this point”, so I seriously need to make a decision: keep watching HawthoRNe, or let it go? Maybe the biggest hurdle I’m facing is that […]

by Aryeh S.
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