CliqueClack TV
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Saturday Night Live – Zac Efron; Yeah Yeah Yeahs

OMG! It’s Zac Efron! He’s so dreamy! Sorry… I was trying to channel my inner 12 year old girl to get excited for this episode, but I just realized that I don’t have an inner 12 year old girl. In all honesty, I don’t think I’ve actually seen Zac Efron do anything, so I don’t […]

by Bob Degon

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – The last episode … ever … this season

Who know if this episode really was just the season finale or the series finale? I suppose some suit up at FOX knows, but for the rest of us, I urge you to have some optimism. It isn’t likely that Terminator will be back next year, but I’m holding out hope until it’s officially canceled. […]

by Bob Degon

Rescue Me – After 19 months, it’s baaaacccckkkk!!!

September 12, 2007. That was the last time the boys from Truck 62 graced our television screens. Thankfully, they have returned. The timing couldn’t be better considering we’re about to enter the dead zone as far as new programming is concerned. After such an interminable layoff, the FX execs have wisely decided to roll out […]

by Scott Tunstall

Saturday Night Live: Seth Rogen; Phoenix

Seth Rogen is a funny man. He has been in some of my favorite recent comedy movies, so going into this episode I had high expectations. That’s right, the ever dangerous high expectations. They seemingly always end in disappointment. I was pleasantly surprised this week. It certainly wasn’t the best episode of the season, but […]

by Bob Degon

Sports on TV – Live, or Memorex? A CC Poll

I’m not really sure how it came to pass, but I just can’t record sports to watch later. The new Lost. The odd Cities Of The Underworld. Even the occasional old Hardy Boys episode. No problem. I’ll watch them when I get a chance. But football, baseball, curling, any form of racing… it just doesn’t […]

by Brett Love

Megan Joy is this year’s Sanjaya

Watching Megan Joy butcher a song as great as “Turn Your Lights Down Low” made me realize she has a lot in common with another Idol contestant from season 6: Sanjaya Malakar. First, we have what I like to call MHPD, or Multiple Hair Personality Disorder. While I don’t think we’ll be seeing Megan sporting […]

by Cate Cropp

How will Life on Mars end?

ABC’s Life on Mars ends its first and only season tonight, only giving us an hour’s worth of wrap-up to soak in. Will it be enough? Will we be satisfied? Do we care? I’m actually looking forward to it. I want to know what happens to Sam, what happens to the rest of the cast […]

by Keith McDuffee
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