CliqueClack TV
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Bones – Is Brennan too stupid?

Let me start by throwing this out right from the start: I’m a fan of the show. I watch it every week, and I certainly have no plans to give it up. That being said, there is one thing that has just nagged at me for years where Bones is concerned, and it’s Brennan. More […]

by Brett Love

Kyle XY’s never-resolved cliffhanger

I really went into the series finale of Kyle XY with mixed feelings. The season started off with a bang for me, then fizzled a bit. Last week, though, while Jessi and Kyle were playing Cassidy, they played me too — I completely fell for their trick and it was awesome! So I was really […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Is that really how you planned this storyline to end, Ghost Whisperer? – Open Letters

Dear Ghost Whisperer people, Remember back last season when we got that cool, cryptic finale with the missing shadow — who was missing? What did it mean? Not only did you come back from the summer hiatus completely ignoring that particular scene, but you didn’t give us any clear resolution on what it meant. Payne […]

by Jason Hughes

Saturday Night Live – Tracy Morgan; Kelly Clarkson

Tracy Morgan is back! Not that he ever really left the building, as he just moved to a different floor to star in 30 Rock, but he’s back on SNL. Going into this episode, I was curious about how Morgan would do, because, frankly, he was never really that prominent when he was a cast […]

by Bob Degon

American Idol – Michael Jackson, the L&O walk, and the phone sex line that wasn’t

Maybe I’ve just seen too many episodes of Law & Order in all of it’s various incarnations, but that was my immediate thought watching the judges walk out onto the stage last night during the opening of American Idol. They’re spaced a little too far apart to really bring out the similarities, but Simon has […]

by Cate Cropp

Do straight men like Rick Castle too?

The whole time I was watching the premiere of Castle, I was comparing it to Lie to Me. Lie to Me has become my new NOT favorite show, the show I now dread, the show I pick at because I have ceased to hope that I will like it. I realize that I am tasting […]

by Jen Creer

Castle needs to have weekly poker games

What did you think of Castle? Let us know in our poll!

by Keith McDuffee
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