CliqueClack TV
CliqueClackers watch shows they'd never seen before, starting from season one, chronicling their experiences and opinions.

The Practice virgin’s diary – Imagining it as a sitcom’s the key

Always keeping it classy, the DA pointed his finger at the wrongfully imprisoned man and told him it was his fault he’d been locked up, because he’d “lied” in the confession that was brow-beaten out of him.

by Aryeh S.

The Shield virgin’s diary – Crossing the line

Dutch finally catches a break in his hunt for the serial killer, but despite that success, he still manages to share the bad day that everyone that works in the Barn had.

by Ivey West

The Practice virgin’s diary – Now it’s just getting stupid

If you stuff too much food into your mouth at once you can choke. The food industry doesn’t warn us of that on every package of food sold … sounds like a solid fraud case for Donnell and Associates!

by Aryeh S.

Diary of a Curb Your Enthusiasm virgin – Groat’s Disease is a killer

Forget about hyperactivity … doesn’t Tom know that Groat’s causes sufferers to forget how to multiply, and taste peaches no matter what they’re eating?

by Aryeh S.

Diary of a Breaking Bad virgin – Season 2’s conclusion was such a downer

Both literally and figuratively, the last handful of episodes in ‘Breaking Bad’s’ second season featuring the fall-out of desperation and drug dealing.

by Meredith O'Brien

Diary of a Blood Ties Virgin – Windigos, Medusas and blow jobs

Despite the sometimes ridiculous inconsistencies and the lack of original story lines, I’m still enjoying ‘Blood Ties.’ I’m hoping the series lasted long enough for some of the deeper stuff to be followed up on.

by Debbie McDuffee

The Tudors virgin diary – Where did the politicking go?

I’m through the first season of ‘The Tudors’ and I’m still really enjoying it. In the second half of the season the focus seemed to shift to Henry’s relationship with Anne, but it was still good TV.

by Bob Degon
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