CliqueClack TV
CliqueClackers watch shows they'd never seen before, starting from season one, chronicling their experiences and opinions.

Diary of a Mad Men Virgin – In which I actually like BOTH episodes

Instead of closing the book on this particular Virgin Diary, I return to ‘Mad Men’ despite my whining last week. And, to be honest, I’m glad I did.

by Ivey West

Diary of a Mad Men Virgin: Well, one out of two ain’t bad

The return of my ‘Mad Men’ Virgin Diary also marks the return of my lack of appreciation for the show. Tell me, ‘Mad Men’ fans: What am I missing?

by Ivey West

Diary of a True Blood virgin – Godric is my new favorite

I finally like one of the vampires on this show! And he’s someone Eric listens to, so maybe Eric will stop acting like such an asshole, too!

by Katie Schenkel

Diary of a True Blood Virgin – Lots and lots of flashbacks

We learn a whole lot more about Eric and Bill, and there’s a lot of sex. But then again, it is ‘True Blood.’

by Katie Schenkel

Diary of a True Blood virgin – How I love the minor characters!

Screw headliners like Bill and Sookie … I’m rooting for the minor characters on ‘True Blood’. Less melodrama, more adorableness. Nice guys for the win!

by Katie Schenkel

Diary of a Torchwood Virgin – Children of Earth

‘Torchwood: Children of Earth’ took the whole series to a much higher level, and sets a wonderful stage for the premiere of ‘Miracle Day’ … which is already upon us. Isn’t it nice not to have to wait?

by Ivey West

Diary of a True Blood virgin – Hey look, Lafayette’s alive! … I think

I’m jumping into Season Two, with a new murderer, more sexy times and more eating people. And Terry is still my favorite.

by Katie Schenkel
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