CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for ABC's Cougar Town

Latest episode clacks for this show:

The 2009 fall season’s off to a surprising start

As quickly as the dead are stacking up for me in the new fall season, I am incredibly surprised at how many new shows I’m not just “giving another shot,” but rather that I find myself looking forward to. Usually, the most a new series will do for me these days is get me to […]

by Aryeh S.

Ratings Clack – Is Dollhouse about to get pulled?

Week two of the full-tilt-boogie season brought with it some interesting things, including premieres for Animation Domination, The Amazing Race, Trauma, Hank, and The Middle. We also saw more huge numbers from House, NCIS, and Grey’s. But after all of that, the most interesting story again comes from the show with the worst ratings on […]

by Brett Love

Quotation Marks – Van Halen, vampires, and vamps

Dollhouse “The human mind is like Van Halen. If you just pull out one piece and keep replacing it, it just degenerates.” — Topher Big Bang Theory “I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested.” — Sheldon “Just fine … ah dude, the fourth Harry Potter movie was just fine!” — Raj — “[fine is] […]

by Ivey West

Cougar Town rocks out Single Ladies to Glee standards

“You know, people can’t unhear the things you say.” – Grayson to Jules I would be the last person to call myself a fan of Beyonce’s (although Destiny’s Child’s version of the Bee Gee’s “Emotion” is stellar), yet I find myself giddy that her song “Single Ladies” is being used in some of my favorite […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Stargate Universe; Cougar Town; Dollhouse – In that order

Fridays are actually a much needed break for me when it comes to how many shows I put on my plate. Well, that is, when Psych is taking a break and now that Battlestar Galactica isn’t on anymore. However, I’ve gone and done it again and helped myself to another helping from the TV buffet […]

by Keith McDuffee

Ratings Clack – Greg, Anthony, and Meredith rule

Holy smokes. After a summer without a lot of numbers to really be excited about, last week was just stuffed to the gills. There were season and series premieres everywhere, bringing in ratings that ran the gamut from outstanding to horrible. The big winners were House, NCIS, and Grey’s Anatomy. On the other end of […]

by Brett Love

3, 2, 1 … Fall Season!

Gentlebeings, welcome to the 2009-2010 fall season! Oh sure, there were some season/series premieres last week — mostly on The CW, which really isn’t a network — but a majority of them start this week and continue until through October (in time for the cancellations). It’s shaping up to be an interesting season.  Traditional family sitcoms are […]

by Richard Keller
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