CliqueClack TV

News, reviews and posts for ABC's Castle

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Castle – There are no cows in space

Halloween really lends itself well to the Castle style, and the writers really pulled out all the stops when given the chance to run with it. The big surprise of Nathan Fillion in his Mal costume from Firefly was given away long ago, but it was still great to see. As a bonus, it wasn’t […]

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – Smallville continues to defy the odds

We do often get caught up in the big numbers from the big networks. It is, after all, hard to overlook the fact that NCIS is still growing its audience in the 7th season. There are still some very interesting stories happening on the little network, CW. When it was announced that Vampire Diaries would […]

by Brett Love

Castle – Hey, it’s Nikki Heat!

We lead off this week’s post with that line from the book party, because that really was the best bit of the episode. Not the book party in and of itself, mind you, but Castle and Beckett and their back and forth over whether or not there would be a Nikki Heat sequel. It’s actually […]

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – Where is FlashForward headed?

FlashForward is one of the more interesting shows of the new season where ratings are concerned. On the one hand, so far it has been a huge upgrade for the 8-9 spot on ABC. And while it has been surpassed by Survivor, it does continue to hold off Bones in the demo. On the other […]

by Brett Love

What happens when shows stop calling to you?

I find myself in an unexpected predicament these days. Or you could call it a perfect storm. But however you want to label it, I’m stuck. The new fall season has taken me by surprise with a number of additions to the old TiVo season pass list. That on top of my shows that made […]

by Aryeh S.

Castle – Thai food is pleasing to the tongue

That line, which Castle used as the code to call in his “CIA guy”, is the perfect example of why “Fool Me Once” was such a great episode. Everything about the case was so random, and off the wall. But even those odd little throw away bits, like the call, were so funny. I had […]

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – Favre and Baseball create havoc

It was a strange week for ratings. Brett Favre playing against Green Bay made for a huge Monday Night Football (21.84m/9) audience on ESPN. And then the baseball playoffs ran through the rest of the week, calling a lot of the seemingly odd drops in viewers into question. Despite that increased competition, there was some […]

by Brett Love
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