CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for The CW's Supernatural

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Quotation Marks – Devito’s got quirk, Glee’s got luftballons, and Psych’s Shawn’s got bananas

Pulling quotes from our favorite TV shows is one of my favorite things to do (true story), but why limit our quotes to just the shows, when celebrities — and some of CliqueClack’s greatest — say some of the darnedest things?  So, from time to time, we figured we’d share some of those funny lines. Quotes […]

by Ivey West

Supernatural – Whoever wins, Heaven or Hell, we’re boned.

Look at that. Supernatural is back, and Kripke and the team are not messing around. This was easily the most anticipated premiere of the new season for me, so I had some pretty lofty expectations. And it was even better than I’d hoped. It’s the payoff for the big gamble that the writers took when […]

by Brett Love

Supernatural season five – The best season yet?

Since I’ve caught up on Supernatural through my Diary of a Supernatural Virgin, I can’t help but have mixed feelings. I love that I’ll be watching in “real time” this season, but I loathe that I’ll be waiting for episodes with the rest of you rabid Supernatural fans. It’s just not right to make us […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Fall 2009 pre-season predictions: Thursday

Good grief … Thursdays are going to be tough on viewers. I don’t know about your schedule, but it looks like I’m going to have to find time to watch 7½ hours of television Thursday night. At least, initially. As for the ratings game, there are a number of interesting new additions to the night. […]

by Brett Love

TV on DVD for September 1st

I’ll never understand the thought process behind TV on DVD release dates. Why do so many of them end up coming out just weeks before the new season starts? After everyone just had a whole summer with a drastically reduced television schedule. Shouldn’t there really be a flood of new season sets in May and […]

by Brett Love

Supernatural season 4 on Blu-ray – CliqueClack Giveaway

If only this set had been available sooner, Deb and I could have screamed through the fourth season of Supernatural in style rather than resorting to a DVR and commercial skips. Still, this will wind up being a welcome set to our DVD collection, along with the previous three seasons. Hell, I just picked up […]

by Keith McDuffee
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