CliqueClack TV

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Sex and the City’s Big: The Big letdown – SATC Week

Is “Sex and the City”‘s Big a big letdown? Is he the ideal romantic hero with a suave demeanor or is he an emotionally abusive douche who outlived his character shelf life?

by An Nicholson

What’s funnyman Jamie Kennedy up to now? – Interview

Remember Jamie Kennedy? It’s impossible to forget the comedian considering how funny he is. As the host of a new game show and a few projects in development, it seems Kennedy is still hard at work. However, is there any chance we’ll see the return of ‘The Jamie Kennedy Experiment?’

by Jaylen Christie

Grimm – Suddenly, Hank flies right

Hank greets Wesen. Hank punches Wesen. Wesen falls down, goes boom. And Hank? Well … he’s cured. It’s really as simple as that.

by Michael Noble

Warehouse 13 – The return of Alice Liddell

Alice’s Liddell’s return on ‘Warehouse 13′ gives Artie more reason to isolate himself from his loved ones — but is that playing into the Brotherhood’s hands? Also, Steve finally comes clean with Claudia.

by Christina Furtado

Poll: Your favorite Sex and the City Boyfriend – SATC Week

Who is your favorite “Sex and the City” boyfriend overall? Is it supportive Steve, gym-tastic Jerry “Smith” Jerrod, Harry the loving lawyer, or is it BMOC Big? Sound off in the comments!

by An Nicholson

Breaking Bad’s Walter White is irredeemable

In the latest episode of ‘Breaking Bad’, Walter White has quite possibly gone past the point of no return. Were there clues to where he’s headed in this season’s premiere episode?

by Keith McDuffee

Poll: Which Sex and the City Character are you? – SATC Week

Which ‘Sex and the City’ character are you? Are you Samantha, the pool boy seductress; Charlotte, the innocent art girl; Miranda, the sarcastic lawyer; or Carrie, the intrepid writer? Or are you all four at once?

by An Nicholson

True Blood has a new big bad

The very bloody ‘True Blood’ season finale kills off one baddie — for good — while bringing a brand new one to light. Will this latest development make viewers excited for Season Six?

by Christina Furtado

Breaking Bad Virgin Diary – Damn you, writer’s strike

This truly impressive first season ends as strongly as it began.

by Dan Meier

Déjà vu in Futurama season 7 – CartoonClack

Do some of the plot points in this season of ‘Futurama’ seem … familiar? It can’t just be me, right?

by Katie Schenkel
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