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Chuck – A perfect blend of everything that makes this show fun

Wow, kudos to the Chuck writing team. If ever there was an episode that captured every little nuance and quirk that makes Chuck such a fun show to watch, it was this one. It’s also key to note the use of the word fun. Like summer blockbusters, Chuck is the kind of show you sit […]

by Jason Hughes

Chuck – Chuck & Sarah at a crossroads … again!

(Season 2, Episode 11 – “Chuck Versus Santa Claus”) Once again, Chuck lives up to all our expectations and surpasses them. What started off as a simple hostage situation at the Buy More became something a lot more dangerous for Chuck, Sarah and Casey. I was pleased that I didn’t see that particular plot turn […]

by Jason Hughes

Chuck – Ocean’s Four with Chuck, Casey, Sarah and … her dad?

(Season 2, Episode 10 – “Chuck Versus the Delorean”) Not the most helpful of episode titles, but a very good episode nonetheless. Anna was back, but her return to the show meant some serious life decisions for Morgan. Is he up to the task of manning up and taking on real adult responsibilities? Look at […]

by Jason Hughes

Chuck – Jill’s a bad guy, no wait a good guy, no wait–

(Season 2, Episode 8 – “Chuck Versus the Gravitron”) Who knew how much fun you could have in a Gravitron. Or in the Buy More. Tonight’s Thanksgiving episode offered a little bit of everything that makes Chuck such an enjoyable show. About the only thing we didn’t get was some gratuitous sexiness out of Sarah. […]

by Jason Hughes

Chuck – Chuck & Jill & Sarah; there was no way this could end well

(Season 2, Episode 7 – “Chuck Versus the Fat Lady”) Let’s see. The girl who broke Chuck’s heart back in his Stanford days, apparently dumping him because of the lies Bryce Larkin spread about him and then proceeding to bank said Larkin, is back now and ready to become his long-lost love? Didn’t that seem […]

by Jason Hughes

Chuck – Chuck Versus the Ex

(Season 2, Episode 6) One of the hardest things to think about when watching this show is how Chuck is a Stanford guy who not only had his future taken away from him back then, but has had his whole life disrupted now, both because of Bryce Larkin. Chuck’s a nice guy and so far […]

by Jason Hughes
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