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Amy Poehler


Saturday Night Live – Hugh Laurie; Kanye West

(Season 34, Episode 11) Here we are at the last episode of 2008, the big holiday episode. Saturday Night Live was good enough to leave us all a little surprise for the holidays: a big pile of turd! Seriously, there was barely anything funny going on here. It was a real shame, especially considering that […]

by Bob Degon

Saturday Night Live – Jon Hamm; Coldplay

(Season 34, Episode 6) Going into this episode I was a little skeptical. I wasn’t sure how Jon Hamm would be in a comedic setting. Mad Men may have some laughs in it, but Don Draper is in no way a funny character. Add to that concern the fact that Amy Poehler was absent from […]

by Bob Degon

Things that didn’t suck this week

I’m sure it will come as no surprise that since I write about TV, I end up seeing a lot of it. Let’s face it, there’s a good amount of crap on the tube and I often find myself watching it and feeling myself getting dumber but unable to turn away. With that said, there’s […]

by Kona Gallagher

Saturday Night Live – Josh Brolin; Adele

(Season 34, Episode 5) This week certainly wasn’t as tight as the Anne Hathaway episode, but it was better than some of the earlier eps. They had the cameos going (Tina Fey, Mark Wahlberg, Sarah Palin, Oliver Stone, and Alec Baldwin), and they all hit the mark, but the whole last half of the show […]

by Bob Degon
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