Every time you think you’re done with ‘Bones’, there’s always a way they keep reeling you back in, isn’t there?
‘Bones’ was going along so sweetly this week… until the last five minutes, when the episode hit the proverbial body in the chocolate.
High fives all around, ‘Bones’ fans! This episode was a return to the greatness that ‘Bone’s can be, and all thanks to the focus that was put on the fantastic supporting cast.
In spite of a case that delights, Booth’s new girlfriend? Majorly detracts from this episode.
Alerting all ‘Bones’ fans! Season 5 is out on DVD, and you’re going to enjoy it.
‘Bones’ knocks out a solid episode this week full of fun, Bill Nye nostalgia, and helping everyone remember why science is cool.
It’s ‘Bones’ meets ‘The Jersey Shore.’ And yes, it’s exactly as weird as it sounds.