CliqueClack TV
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buffy the vampire slayer


CliqueClack’s top posts of 2008

It wouldn’t be the last day of the year if we didn’t somehow mark the top something, now would it? Sure, we could write a bunch of posts highlighting subjective lists about the best on TV this year, but that sure wouldn’t be original. We wanted to do something a bit different here. So why […]

by Debbie McDuffee

How to survive TV’s hiatus

Breathe. I know it’s been a long time since your favorite shows have been on, but you’re going to be OK. I’m sure of it. Well, almost sure, but since this post is about thinking positive, go back to that breathing thing. If you are feeling that emptiness in the pit of your heart, that […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Frakkin’ Clack – Jane Espenson speaks; the webisodes continue

Battlestar Galactica: The Face of the Enemy continues on its snail crawl of a pace. Number four is the most recently posted webisode, with number five due tomorrow at noon. Because these webisodes are so short, it’s tough to speculate on what’s going on, who’s the guilty party or what’s going to happen next. Each […]

by Keith McDuffee

Joss Whedon wants to kill Oz; Ron Moore picks Cylons with darts

One of my favorite and underused characters of Buffy has always been Oz. He’s had some of the best lines of the series, only having been on the show for two seasons and change. It always bugged me that we never got some clear closure to the character and never really found out what happened […]

by Keith McDuffee

Top ten shows to watch when you’re sick

I have no idea what day of the week this is. I have been so sick for the past three days, for all I know, it’s Sunday. Sure, I can look up the day (it’s Friday), but that doesn’t mean anything to me. I am completely disoriented. Fortunately, television doesn’t care how disoriented you are. […]

by Jen Creer

Is Supernatural as good as Buffy?

Let me just preface this post and say that I will be writing with my head hung low, the burden of regret weighing heavily. Why? I don’t watch Supernatural. When it premiered several seasons ago, I watched most of the first episode and thought it was pretty good, if not slightly hokey at the end. […]

by Debbie McDuffee

CliqueClack Presidential Nominations: Rupert Giles for president

Have you been following CliqueClack’s mock election process? We thought some of our fictional friends might run the country better than the actual presidential candidates. So far, we’ve nominated Laura Roslin, Optimus Prime and Richard Nixon’s Head for president. So I suppose when I nominate Rupert Giles (a Brit???) as a candidate for the presidency, […]

by Debbie McDuffee
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