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David Duchovny


Californication – Life is good for Hank Moody

Why, oh why, must Hank be saddled with these dark daughter figures? From his own daughter, Becca, to “daughter” Mia, to new addition to the club Jackie (Eva Amurri), Hank has a hell of a lot of angst from the women he technically shouldn’t be sleeping with. I mean, I can see why he puts […]

by Aryeh S.

That’s exactly why people should invite Hank Moody to dinner

Writing my preview piece last week, I got so excited about the coming season of Californication that I dropped everything else that I had to do and popped in the screener DVD right then and there. And it was so good that I insisted that my wife — who hates the show — watch the entire dinner […]

by Aryeh S.

The X-Files Virgin’s Diary – Everybody wants what Mulder has

(Season 3, Episodes 21-24) Less on the aliens and more on the government cover-up side of things as the third season winds to a close. Weirdly, the finale didn’t leave me as much on the edge of my seat as I expected, though I’m glad that I only have to wait a week to find […]

by Jason Hughes

Californication season 3 – Professor Hank?

Yes, you’re reading that correctly. At least as far as I can tell from the cover of the screener that I have yet to have a chance to screen. Plus Showtime commercials … I’d say it’s a fair bet. So, what the hell, right? I thought maybe I’d forgotten something, but after having just re-watched […]

by Aryeh S.

The X-Files Virgin’s Diary – “The scientific nature of the whammy.”

(Season 3, Episodes 17-20) These episodes were almost more fun than they had any right to be. No mythology and I didn’t care a whit. Instead, I got to see a lighter side of The X-Files with an incredibly playful storytelling technique. The Pusher is one of the best characters they’ve come up with. Even […]

by Jason Hughes

The X-Files Virgin’s Diary – The black oil cometh

(Season 3, Episodes 13-16) The energy and excitement in the middle of season three is definitely there. We’re kind of treading water as far as the bigger story goes, but I think The X-Files has found its groove as a monster-of-the-week show. Right now, those episodes are almost more enjoyable than the “MythArc” installments. I […]

by Jason Hughes

The X-Files Virgin’s Diary – From stigmata to cockroaches

(Season 3, Episodes 9-12) From serious to surprisingly wacky, the middle of season three saw The X-Files continue a string of strong episodes. Methinks the show has definitely found its stride. The dynamic between Mulder and Scully is so great to watch, especially when they’re separated from one another. Thank god for cell phones, or […]

by Jason Hughes
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