CliqueClack TV
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David Letterman


The Gong Show – CliqueClack Flashback

I know of no one — NO ONE — who doesn’t like ‘The Gong Show’. It was one of the precursors to everything we see on reality television today.

by Michael Noble

“You don’t wait around for somebody to drop dead!” – Things That Didn’t Suck This Week

This column isn’t always going to be about late night, but it’s just been too good over the past couple of weeks to ignore. However, with tonight being Conan‘s last night as host of The Tonight Show, on top of the horrifying news that Jay Leno is hosting the White House Correspondents’ dinner, I feel […]

by Kona Gallagher

Gossip Girl – Hookers

I love how everyone on Gossip Girl tonight was basically dealing in human trafficking: either they were selling themselves, or selling out everyone else. Although, I guess that could pretty much be said for every episode of Gossip Girl– they just spelled it out for us this time. Today is election day all over this […]

by Kona Gallagher

See Jane Clack: Who’s the bigger douchebag – Dave Letterman or Jon Gosselin?

Like many TV viewers, I’ve been awash in David Letterman and Jon Gosselin news and gossip for the past week or so. Basically, I think they’re both douchebags. When it comes to Dave, I mean that in the kindest way. I really like Dave. I appreciate a lot of things he’s done over the years, […]

by Jane Boursaw

Why Craig Ferguson is the best talk show host there is – Guest Clack

Sebastian’s back Guest-clacking for us again…. If you follow my guest-clacks here over the last month, you’ve most likely already discovered that I’m a sucker for all things “real.” I love shows that feel right, things that fit, stories that could happen. I like to laugh because it makes me feel warm and cuddly inside. […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Quotation Marks – Dwight Schrute, Edie Britt, and Dr. House

(Week of Dec. 13, 2008) “I may be a ho, but I’m not a crack ho.” – Cops “Falalalala-lala-ka-ching.” – Dwight, on his his plan to buy all the unicorn dolls from local stores and sell them to desperate parents at a huge profit, The Office Desperate Housewives: “You are my rock Lynette.” – Tom […]

by Jane Boursaw

The plucked peacock

This may seem like piling-on after yesterday’s brilliant Grinch/Zucker ditty by CliqueClack’s own Richard Keller, but what the hell happened to NBC? The once imposing network — home to such television icons as the Cartwrights and Johnny Carson — has plummeted into a chasm of mediocrity. A perennial ratings powerhouse during the ’80s and ’90s, […]

by Scott Tunstall
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