CliqueClack TV
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The Emmys – A few thoughts

The 2010 telecast seemed better this year overall. But it wasn’t because of Jimmy Fallon, his guitar or his white waiter’s jacket. It was probably Sofia Vergara.

by Michael Noble

Comic-Con: No Ordinary Family

After seeing it at Comic-Con, I am eagerly anticipating this new ABC show … but it doesn’t quite seem to be well-oiled just yet.

by Michael Noble

Seven backdrops I’d rather stand in front of than American Idol

The holidays are over and, with that, so is the massive shopping frenzy that attacked the malls across America. So, you’ve got a few crappy things for Christmas that need exchanging, and in your bestest and cheeriest of moods, you head to the mall to brave the return lines during what should be your lunch […]

by Keith McDuffee

Has TV ruined me for movies?

I fondly remember my movie-going days, and not just because of the tasty popcorn. I enjoyed two-hour feature films: the action, the special effects, even the — gasp! — chick flicks. Visiting the theater slowly morphed into a love affair with Netflix, and feature films were a twice-weekly occurrence in our household. Then I discovered […]

by Debbie McDuffee

The Wire virgin’s diary – drug dealing, bureaucracy, and cops on the street

(Season 1, Episodes 1-6) About a month ago, I asked all my fellow TV fans to help me figure out which show I should be catching up on via DVD. Now, Dexter did win by a comfortable margin, and I plan on watching it, but I ended up choosing The Wire. In my defense, I […]

by Bob Degon

How to survive TV’s hiatus

Breathe. I know it’s been a long time since your favorite shows have been on, but you’re going to be OK. I’m sure of it. Well, almost sure, but since this post is about thinking positive, go back to that breathing thing. If you are feeling that emptiness in the pit of your heart, that […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Quotation Marks – Holiday songs, transvestites and drinking

(Week of Dec. 20, 2008) Since it’s the week before Christmas and most shows are in reruns, we’re kind of light on quotes this week. Nevertheless, we still managed to get some gems. Check out some of our favorite quotes from this past week and add your own to the comments. How I Met Your […]

by Kona Gallagher
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