CliqueClack TV
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A Visit from Kevin Reilly (The Night Before Upfronts), part five

I know, you are all starting to wonder how this tale will end, aren’t you? You don’t have much longer to wait; it’s almost Christmas and we’ve been enjoying these relaxing little read-alouds, haven’t we? Nothing like celebrating the stress of the industry folks to make our holiday stress seem insignificant …. In case you […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Frakkin’ Clack – Jane Espenson speaks; the webisodes continue

Battlestar Galactica: The Face of the Enemy continues on its snail crawl of a pace. Number four is the most recently posted webisode, with number five due tomorrow at noon. Because these webisodes are so short, it’s tough to speculate on what’s going on, who’s the guilty party or what’s going to happen next. Each […]

by Keith McDuffee

Leverage – Tell us what you did with the monkey!

(Season 1, Episode 3 – “The Two-Horse Job”) I thoroughly enjoyed the first two episodes of Leverage, and was left with just one nagging little question in the back of my mind. The show is really well done, and a big ol’ ball of fun, but how are they going to keep it from falling into […]

by Brett Love

It’s not raining. Joss Whedon is peeing on your leg.

… Either that, or something has snapped and he has actually gone insane. Over at the L.A. Times, they are quoting Whedon as saying he would have put Dollhouse on Friday too. I call shenanigans. This is Whedon being the good soldier, playing along with the network and trying to garner some much needed press […]

by Brett Love

It’s time for FOX to add more time – Guest Clack

David Huberman is this week’s commenter-turned-poster. David is a 30-something professional in the Internet backbone engineering world who watches way too much television. You can usually find him writing about fine art, politics, and horse racing over on his personal blog. It’s time for FOX to add more time “Tonight on FOX, it’s an all […]

by Keith McDuffee

Ratings Clack 11/2 – 11/8

It was one of those odd weeks in television. The big election changed programming for three nights, knocking numbers in all sorts of directions. ABC came out on top in the coverage, and the four networks that went with election coverage (CW was regularly scheduled programming) combined to average nearly 40 million viewers and a […]

by Brett Love

Fox kicks Joss Whedon in the crotch… again

Sure, if you want to get all technical, the big story from the latest Fox press release is probably either 24 returning “with a vengeance” or the premiere date of American Idol. Screw that! If you really need to know, that info is after the jump, but the big story, as the post title alludes […]

by Brett Love
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