CliqueClack TV
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TV in the Movies – Does TV need more horror?

I just finished watching Harper’s Island on Hulu. If you’re not aware, it ran on CBS this past spring and summer for 13 bone-chilling, spine-tingling installments. Actually, it wasn’t very scary, but the premise was admirable, if not altogether original. It had a very Screamish feel to it, minus the wild popularity. Poor ratings aside, […]

by Scott Tunstall

Diary of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Virgin – Giles has a past … who knew?

(Season 2, Episodes 5-8) I know adults are people, too. Hell I play one in reality. And yet, like Buffy, I never bothered to think much of Giles beyond his role as a Watcher. Now I’m going to be suspicious that everyone with a British accent might have hung with Rupert back in the day. […]

by Jason Hughes

Was the “coat pull” on Ghost Hunters’ live event faked?

I know, I know — I can hear all of you naysayers groan just from reading the title. “It’s all faked, moron!” If that’s you, well then, there’s not much reason to read on, is there? Unless you want to hear what Grant Wilson himself said to me during our phone conversation today …. This […]

by Keith McDuffee

CliqueClack’s Halloween tricks … and treats

I guess it all depends on how you look at them. Our Halloween-themed posts, that is. Are they tricks, designed to possibly fool you, like Jane’s Halloween headlines I’d like to see, or Jackie’s When good characters go vampire. What do you think — did House finally really get murdered? Did the cast of The […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Trick-or-treating in TV Town

Everybody loves trick-or-treating, but how awesome would it be to go out on Halloween night in the world of our favorite television shows? The Bauer Household (24) Kids: “Trick-or-treat” Jack [over intercom]: “Chloe? Is that you?” Kids: “Huh? Jack [over intercom]: “I need the schematics of this house. I’m sending you the address now. There’s […]

by Jason Hughes

Meredith Grey is a candy apple … and other Halloween treat resemblances

Halloween … witches, goblins, ghosts. And those freakishly ghoulish fictional characters that grace our TV sets each week. Now, you can’t tell me you haven’t noticed how some of them resemble Halloween treats. Is it because I have a four-year-old? Nope, I don’t think so. Whether it is in looks or the fiendish things they […]

by Debbie McDuffee

CliqueClack’s scary guide to your Halloween TV viewing

I don’t know how it happened or when it happened but sometime between my childhood and now Halloween became a big business. As big as Chrismakwanzakuah in many cases. The evermore elaborate costumes, the re-theming of every product you purchase, the decorations. Face it, from September until October 31st Halloween permeates every fabric of society. […]

by Richard Keller
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