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jack bauer


24: Jack Bauer battles biological weapons

This week’s episode of 24 certainly ramped up the tension factor. The show’s been getting more and more interesting to me each week, and this was my favorite episode of the season so far. We’ve got a dead senator (Red from That 70’s Show), a psychotic corporate suit (Jon Voight), a dimwitted FBI guy (Larry […]

by Jane Boursaw

See Jane Clack – Buffy/Spike vampire love, 24 doldrums, and freaky mannequins

This week in Jane’s World, I saw the light regarding that punk-rocker vampire Spike, and it was bright and shiny. But 24 is making me blue, and those mannequins are freaking me out. Read on for my clacky thoughts, and feel free to add your own in the comments. Buffy Update: I’m feelin’ the Spike […]

by Jane Boursaw

Is 24 jumping the shark this season?

Each episode of 24 this season has been getting better and better, but there have been several things that have made me think, okay, that would never happen. I mean, with a show like 24, obviously, you’ve gotta think that Jack Bauer wouldn’t keep having these Really Long Days year after year. He must be […]

by Jane Boursaw

Someone dies on 24!

Yes, a major character did, in fact, die on this week’s episode of 24. To appease all the poopypants readers who always snipe at us about posting spoilers either in the title or on the front page (you know who you are), I will not reveal who died until after the jump. There, you happy […]

by Jane Boursaw

24 – Are Jack Bauer’s torture methods justified?

One of the big issues on 24 this season is whether torture methods are ever justified. That was especially prevalent in this week’s episode, when Jack Bauer hammered the electrical impulses into Burnett while snarling, “Where’s the target?!” Elsewhere in the White House, we’ve got the President and her minions discussing whether torture is an […]

by Jane Boursaw

This week’s episode of 24 – Really?!!

I always love hearing Jack Bauer yell “Get on the ground!” It’s become a catch-phrase in our household, and we were blessed to hear it in this week’s episode of 24. Jack said it to Dubaku’s driver after the car flipped over. Still, despite the high-action drama of this episode, there were plenty of things that […]

by Jane Boursaw

Will 24’s CTU be making a comeback?

We’re just a few episodes into this season of 24, but so far, CTU seems to have the upper hand on, well, everything. Let’s recap: – I know President Taylor is doing her best, but so far, her efforts have only managed to get the country in a pickle, including a mid-air collision of two […]

by Jane Boursaw
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