CliqueClack TV
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nathan fillion


Castle – There are no cows in space

Halloween really lends itself well to the Castle style, and the writers really pulled out all the stops when given the chance to run with it. The big surprise of Nathan Fillion in his Mal costume from Firefly was given away long ago, but it was still great to see. As a bonus, it wasn’t […]

by Brett Love

Castle – Thai food is pleasing to the tongue

That line, which Castle used as the code to call in his “CIA guy”, is the perfect example of why “Fool Me Once” was such a great episode. Everything about the case was so random, and off the wall. But even those odd little throw away bits, like the call, were so funny. I had […]

by Brett Love

Castle – It’s fashion week in New York….

…and the clothes are to die for. “Inventing The Girl” is a perfect example of what I really like about Castle. There is certainly a formulaic aspect to the case of the week, but they manage to do it in an interesting way. This week, I was sure I had figured out whodunit three different […]

by Brett Love

Castle has a Firefly Easter egg. Is this it?

(UPDATE: The Easter egg has been revealed … and it’s not this painting.) This past Friday, Nathan Fillion made mention the following cool tidbit for anyone who’s a fan of Fillion or Firefly (actually you’re probably a fan of the other if you’re the fan of one, because that would just be really weird and, […]

by Keith McDuffee

Beckett’s sidekicks are Esposito and Ryan

Dear Detectives Esposito and Ryan, I am writing this letter to sincerely apologize for not learning your names sooner. This week’s episode of Castle really helped cement your names for me, since this is the second episode in a row where you each actually had lines. I’m almost embarrassed to admit it, but I kind […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Castle – Strangers on a boat

Last week, Debbie talked about how the sidekicks were getting a little more play. That trend continued this week, and hopefully that means she’ll learn that their names are Esposito and Ryan (I kid). The dueling murders, complete with a bet, were the perfect setup to give the two of them more of the spotlight. […]

by Brett Love

Castle, the morguemobile and sidekicks

“Beckett, how come you don’t wear a uniform like that?” – one of the cops she works with (I know, I’m going to have to learn their names eventually) “Because I don’t want to get paid in singles.” – Beckett I wrote in my preview post that Castle‘s season two premiere was not only great, […]

by Debbie McDuffee
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