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Chuck – Ocean’s Four with Chuck, Casey, Sarah and … her dad?

(Season 2, Episode 10 – “Chuck Versus the Delorean”) Not the most helpful of episode titles, but a very good episode nonetheless. Anna was back, but her return to the show meant some serious life decisions for Morgan. Is he up to the task of manning up and taking on real adult responsibilities? Look at […]

by Jason Hughes

Heroes – Our Father – Live-Blogging/Chat

We’re back tonight with the Heroes liveblog. The heroes have lost and regained their powers, and this week Claire and Hiro actually get some screen time together when they go back in time to when HRG became her daddy. Meanwhile, Sylar’s back and causing trouble for Peter and the Haitian, while Suresh makes progress on […]

by Kona Gallagher

Seth Green and Breckin Meyer as comic book guys – yeah, I’m feelin’ it

How fun to see Seth Green and Breckin Meyer as comic book guys on this week’s episode of Heroes. Yeah, I can totally see those guys geeking out over comic books. That was pretty cool how their story meshed with Hiro and Ando, a little of Matt and Daphne, and even Claire at the episode’s […]

by Jane Boursaw

I don’t like Sylar again

Just when Good Sylar was starting to grow on me, he goes bad again – really bad – and now I don’t like him again. For a while there, I was finding Good Sylar really boring and just waiting for the day when Bad Sylar would return. But there’s just no pleasing me, because now […]

by Jane Boursaw

Well, boo hoo, the heroes lose their powers

Ok, so I guess it was fun seeing the heroes lose their powers in this week’s episode of Heroes, but wow, what a bunch of pansy-assed whiners. We’ve got Peter in the jungle, practically sniffling about how “I needed to know I could be a hero without my powers.” Boo hoo, Peter, but I loved […]

by Jane Boursaw

I’m lovin’ Life … but need a little help

I can’t believe the show Life, now in its second season, slipped by my radar last season, and actually, the beginning of this season too. When I started hearing all the good things about it, I turned it on and it’s been on ever since. I’ve seen the last three episodes, and I’m hooked. Damian […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Should Shane run from Wendy or Josie?

I’m really pulling for Wendy and Shane on Lipstick Jungle, and they’ve certainly had their problems lately, what with her kissing the soccer dad while Shane was away. I thought she was kind of asking for it, though, sitting there all sprawled out on the couch next to him drinking wine and all. I don’t […]

by Jane Boursaw
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