CliqueClack TV
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John Lithgow brings a different dark passenger to Dexter’s Miami

I missed out on this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, but I did witness the big presence made by Showtime’s Dexter in 2008 and remember feeling it felt sort of out of place in a convention that’s usually just about science fiction, fantasy and general geekery. Apparently it made enough splash then to have the show […]

by Keith McDuffee

Dexter season three DVD – What you get

The third season of Dexter was released on DVD late last month, and I got a chance to take a look at it. This release actually comes at a very good time, as the fourth season doesn’t start until September 27, giving anyone plenty of time to catch up who hasn’t done so already. When […]

by Keith McDuffee

Weeds – Time for a Doug/Dean style bomb to be dropped on Pilar

Although, I have to say, I would hope it would be a sight better than the bomb the duo, plus Isabelle, dropped on Celia in this past episode of Weeds. Talk about failing to meet expectations — I expected something really awesome from the pair, only to be woefully disappointed by the little sting operation they […]

by Aryeh S.

Californication Season Two on DVD – CliqueClack Giveaway

I don’t watch Californication, so I don’t have a whole lot to say about it. So let’s just keep this short and sweet, shall we? This week we’re giving away a copy of Showtime’s Californication The Complete Second Season on DVD to two random commenters to this post (the set is officially available in stores […]

by Keith McDuffee

Presenting CliqueClack’s guide to the 2009-10 fall season

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by Richard Keller

My weekend TV binge – Party Down and This American Life

This weekend I found myself in the same spot that I usually find myself when the summer weather turns hot and steamy: sitting on my sofa in my air conditioned house. I’m one of those people who you will never hear complain when the summer days are cloudy and a little cold. I hate the […]

by Bob Degon

Weeds – Celia’s a lesbian

Picture this: you’re a fourteen year-old with a strained relationship with the parent of yours whose gender you share. They and your other parent are divorced, and its unclear just how much time you actually spend with said parent any longer. Lots of bad feelings and basis for intense therapy there. Oh, and you’re homosexual, […]

by Aryeh S.
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