I know Lost isn’t on until after 2009 (I’m painfully aware), but there’s still a lot going on! Let’s face it, anytime is the right time to discuss Lost. ABC and the producers have been kind enough to provide us (obsessive) fans with an online alternate reality game (ARG), as they have the past two off seasons before this one. If you’ve missed out on some of the older ones, don’t worry. Catch up with the detailed synopsis for each over at the great Lost site, Lostpedia.
The current ARG invites us all to join the Dharma Initiative. Sound fun? Exciting? Are you dying for one of those snazzy jumpsuits?
The current ARG started during the finale last May. There was a fake ad for a company called Octagon Global Recruiting that was looking for smart people who wanted to help solve the mysteries of the world. Later, it was revealed that this was a front for the Dharma Initiative who is currently holding a recruiting drive. They have a full website,, where you can take a series of snazzy flash tests to determine where you will fit in the organization. The subplot involves the hacking of the site through some unknown person named the Black Swan who is trying to take the Dharma Initiative down from the inside. This will all unfold in the coming months, I’m sure, but for now he has hacked a cheat into each of the tests. You don’t have to worry about them, but if you wanna piss off the Dharma Initiative — and really, who doesn’t? — check out the details on all of the ARG’s tests and cheats.
For now, if you’re interested in getting your Lost fix in a slightly disappointing manner, head over to Dharma Wants You and sign up. The recruiting drive is going to end October 7th, so don’t dilly dally or you might be left out of some of the upcoming fun. I have no idea where this thing is headed, but I’m hoping that it isn’t a complete let down. If you’re only mildly curious, don’t worry – sit back and relax, I’ll be here to keep you updated.