CliqueClack TV

Check out the first episode of Crash online



Remember Crash?  You should; it won the Oscar for best film back in 2006.  It featured a large cast of diverse characters, interacting and causing trouble for each other (including Matt Dillon, Ryan Phillipe, Sandra Bullock and Don Cheadle). The film spoke to differences in people and has been adapted into a television series premiering October 17th.  It marks the first foray into original programming for Starz, and they’re so excited about it, they’re letting you watch the first episode online – right now!

The series stars Dennis Hopper, and we’ve been promised that we can see him doing some “interesting” things in the premiere.  As someone who has seen Blue Velvet, I’m certainly curious what the heck Dennis Hopper could do that would seem anything but pedestrian by comparison.

The series is being produced Paul Haggis, the writer and director of the original film, as well as Don Cheadle, one of the film’s stars.  I’m really curious as to how the series will play out.  Will it be at all like the movie? Will it play off tense race relations?  Will Don Cheadle show up at some point?  With Paul Haggis at the helm, I’m hopeful that it will be an interesting, character driven drama.

Check out the first episode and let everyone know what you think.

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5 Responses to “Check out the first episode of Crash online”

October 2, 2008 at 11:01 AM

i will make sure to watch it , i like the reviews about it until now crash!

October 2, 2008 at 12:13 PM

The movie was god awful, I can’t believe they make a show.

October 2, 2008 at 12:18 PM

Crash was a horrible movie. Stereotype after stereotype. Telling us nothing, teaching us nothing. So with Paul Haggis at the helm, i’m betting for more blatant stereotypes for him to exploit in the most obvious and insulting ways. I hope there’s more mean spirited, petty white wives who are racists…i hope there’s more old, geriatric white b*stards who are racists…i hope Tony Danza shows up for no reason and tells Terrance Howard to make his script “more black” cause that would happen…just like Terrance Howard freaking out to the cops days later because his idiot wife calls him a b*tch for not standing up to the cops that pulled them over…wow Crash really taught us a lot and open a lot of eyes to the already saturated examples of racial stereotypes…i can’t wait for the show to start!

October 2, 2008 at 12:50 PM

I loved the movie. Face it, there are a lot of stereotypes in real life, and what the movie did well was show that none of them were better or worse than any other. If you think the world is make up of a bunch of people who are accepting of each other, take the blinders off. We’ve become a two faced country – one for the world and one for home.

The commercials with Dennis Hopper don’t do a thing for me. In fact, he makes it so cartoonish I dont’ want to tune in. Maybe I’ll try one ep and see where it goes.

October 2, 2008 at 1:11 PM

Yes…there are stereotypes because of hack writers/directors like this. i’m not saying there isn’t racism in the world, of course there is…i’m saying his depiction of racism is stereotypical…the same way i’d say showing a good guy in a white hat and bad guy in a black hat are stereotypes and unoriginal. If you want me to have a realization about racism, if you want to open people’s eyes to their ‘face at home’/’behind closed doors’ racism then present it to me in a new way that makes me think, not the same crap regurgitated onto an ensemble cast.

I agree with commerical statement…Dennis Hopper’s been cartoonish for years

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