CliqueClack TV

The CW wants you to know Dick … Grayson, that is

DC Comics

DC Comics

Despite the fact I haven’t bought one in several years, I am an admitted comic book geek. Have been one since I was just a wee little booger of a lad. I was particularly interested in the heroes from DC Comics. It was probably the influence of The Super Friends and repeats of the live-action Batman that drew me into that universe.  So, when any news appeared of a comic book franchise that was being made into a television series I usually thought it was a good idea.

That’s not the case with the following news. Variety is reporting that the CW is considering a show revolving around Dick Grayson, former Robin and current Nightwing in the DC universe. But, this would not be about Nightwing, nor Robin, nor a grown-up Dick Grayson hitchhiking across the country telling strangers, “Don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.” No, this show, tentatively titled The Graysons, would revolve around Dick before he even had a thought of becoming the Boy Wonder. Or, rather, it would revolve around Dick ‘DJ’ Grayson.

This is not a good idea. It isn’t even a fair idea. First, the show would be set in modern times, which totally throws off the Batman mythos. Second, according to Variety, the show would present how DJ “will face challenges involving first loves, young rivals and his family as he grows up.” What this potentially means is he won’t be a late-tween or early-teen in this show, which he was when he became Robin in the comic books. Instead, he’ll probably end up being about the age Tom Welling’s Clark Kent was at the start of Smallville. On top of that, there isn’t any mention of him being a young acrobat in “The Flying Graysons.”

Now, you going to probably say, “Rich, you liberal-spouting gasbag! Why can’t this work when a show like Smallville or even the Battlestar Galactica prequel Caprica can work?” Well, with Smallville, the pre-Superman days of Clark Kent have been pretty flexible and have changed greatly over the years. With Caprica the pre-BSG history hasn’t really been set in stone yet. With Dick Grayson … despite a tweak here and there, his origin is well-known and has been part of the culture for almost 60 years!

Throw in the fact that rumors abound about the CW’s imminent demise and this is an idea that should not happen. Go ahead and make a series about Smallville’s Green Arrow instead and keep your mitts off of young Master Grayson.

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2 Responses to “The CW wants you to know Dick … Grayson, that is”

October 2, 2008 at 6:53 PM

This isn’t Superman.

Most people know Smallville is Superman, I have never even heard of this Greyson family before now.

October 2, 2008 at 7:48 PM

I definitely don’t see how this would work, Dick is a nobody until he became Robin/Nightwing. I would love to see a series about Nightwing, or any other superhero; they just got to have their power when the show starts, or show us how they get it. Sounds like to me CW is trying to squeeze in a soap opera that might target the guys; bad idea, we need more action shows on the CW besides Smallville and Supernatural.

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