CliqueClack TV

TV Shows Off the Beaten Path: Those VH1 list shows



Yeah, I grouped ‘em all together, but there’s a vast array of “list” shows on VH1. Whenever I land upon one during my channel surfing, it’s too late. I’m snagged and dragged right into watching them. Well, for the most part, that is. While there’s a slew of these shows out there, I’m going to bunch ‘em all together for the sake of this column.

Some are good, some are bad. Some are outright ludicrous. But what they have in common (besides being lists) is that they are mesmerizing and really, really long. I’m talking about some blocks larger than the prime-time evening. I mean, how can you watch I Love the ’80s or The 100 Greatest Songs of the ’80s: Then and Now without knowing how they end? You end up watching them all.

The “Then and Now” bits make it all worthwhile! I never knew The Bangles filmed the music video “Walk Like an Egyptian” in New York City, did you? I vaguely recall walking like an Egyptian accompanied by kamikazes back in the ’80s at ski lodges in Colorado. Oh, where is the fun in the current song market?

Okay, so maybe you’re not a fan of the ’80s. Maybe you were in a drug-induced haze and lost your ’80s. Maybe you’re too young to remember the ’80s. There’s more. How about The 50 Most Awesomely Bad Songs … Ever? What? Billy Ray Cyrus and Right Said Fred both made the list? Oh, my achy breaky heart just took yet another trip back in time, but I’m too sexy for this keyboard.

So that’s not your cuppa tea either? How about The 40 Most Awesomely Bad Dirty Songs … Ever? Both hours one and two. Of course, that might end up being 80 songs. You want to defy authority and rage against the machine? Then it’s The 25 Greatest Protest Songs for you!

You want something more current? Then there’s the whole bunch of “Ten Most Excellent Things About …” shows for you! From Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist to Ten Most Excellent Things About Shark Tale, VH1 takes an in-depth look at movies and tosses us some chum … er, tidbits about the filming or the tale itself.

How about the holidays? Don’t you want to know what D-list pop stars think about the upcoming Hell Night? By the way, something really annoying about the VH1 website is that when you embed a video, it gives a list of videos which aren’t available. Just hit the “Hell Night” link. I guess I should be thankful that VH1 lets you embed videos unlike so many other networks (cough, CBS, cough) these days.

I’m including the entire Where Are They Now …? series of shows amongst the lists, too. I’ve found some of these to be the most intriguing lists of them all. Teen idols, TV hunks, disco … you name it. If it’s older pop culture, they’ve checked it out. Heck, the even revisited The Cowsills. Sure, the lists are all a bit retro, but we’re building up our pop culture for the lists of the future. I can see it now … VH1’s Top TV Bloggers of the Oughts!

Well, that one might never quite take off. But when programming is slim pickings at times, the VH1 list shows can be entertaining.

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