CliqueClack TV

30 Rock – Do-over



(Season 3, Episode 1 – Season Premiere)

It’s back!… It’s back, it’s back, it’s back! You can’t see, but this complete fanboy is doing a dance of joy in his living room. 30 Rock, the Emmy winning, funniest show on television is back! Even though the first episode of the new season has been available online for a little while now, I’ve held out. I figured that the episode would be even sweeter if I waited as long as I could. It’s sort of like scratching a mosquito bite. If you wait until it’s really, really, really itchy and then scratch it, it feels so much better. Plus, if I watched it early, I would have to wait just as long for another new episode.

If it’s not obvious, I love this show. I have every episode of last season on my DVR because I don’t have the heart to delete any of them. I may actually have a sickness. So… did the season premiere live up to expectations?

In short: yes! My expectations were met. The writing was as sharp and witty as I have grown accustomed to. It’s so great, that I think the only way to do this show justice is to break it down by quote:

“I got rid of all my Colin Firth movies in case they consider them erotica.” -Liz
“The man can wear a sweater.” -Jack

The premiere finds Liz preparing to show an employee from an adoption agency (guest star Megan Mullally) her life in hopes that she can have a baby “before she’s 50.” I loved that she had a deep dish pizza sitting out in her living room along with some cookies. Too funny.

“I’m going to use this 300 dollars to buy us all new boots for me.” – Jenna

Jenna is furious when Tracy makes a ton of money on his porn video game. She thinks she deserves a cut of the profits, as she did all the voice acting for the game. Of course, this doesn’t end well, with Jenna swearing to sue Tracy. Hopefully this is setting up some fun for later episodes.

“She touched me in my swim suit area.” -Jack, regarding Kathy Geiss

Jack, back from his job in Washington is fighting to get his old job back. He figures that his best chance is through Don’s daughter (and Devon’s “wife”), Kathy. Little does he know Kathy wants Jack… for some sweet strawberry-flavored lovin’. I love how awkward they have made Kathy. I hope she’s not going anywhere too soon.

“It’s just G now, I sold the E… to Samsung, they’re Samesung now.” -Devon

Cleary Devon is way over his head running GE. I love Will Arnett on this show, and I hope we get to see a lot of him this season, even if he is a new dad in real life. Let Amy Poehler take care of the little baby.

“Can I hide this box of penis pasta in your dressing room?” – Liz

The adoption agent decides to visit Liz’s work. Of course, Liz is not prepared for this at all, and works herself up into a panic at the state of the office. As usual, it appears like the patients are running the asylum at the Tracy Jordan Show, and we love it.

“I had just broken up with OJ Simpson… and let me say, complete gentleman.” – Jenna

Aside from the crew swearing up a storm and Liz embarrassing herself by mistaking one black employee for another, the rest of the writers and actors don’t do Liz any favors. They all either come off as crazy, unstable, or unintentionally say bad things about Liz. And how about Jenna’s taste in men? First it was dating OJ Simpson, then, as we learned last season, she was engaged to David Blaine. Ouch.

“Do you know what imperative means?” -Liz
“Tell me!  Tell me!” -Kenneth

Not enough Kenneth this episode! I suppose they couldn’t have focused on all the characters in the premiere. Hopefully we’ll get to see how Kenneth made out at the Olympics over the summer.

“My God, that’s her signature” -Devon

With Liz and Jack exploiting Kathy’s love of soap operas, they are able to get Jack back in the top office as Kathy’s special adviser. He didn’t even have to sleep with her. How funny was Kathy’s signature – complete with unicorn stickers?

So what do you guys think? Did the episode meet your expectations? Are you excited for Oprah, or any of the other stunt casting in store for us?

Categories: | 30 Rock | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

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