CliqueClack TV

How I Met Your Mother – Woo girls and conference calls

(Season 4, Episode 8 – “Woooo!”)

I’ve gotta come out and say it right up front … How I Met Your Mother may very well be the best sitcom on TV (although I caught 30 Rock last week and there could be a tie …), but it is just a typical sitcom most of the time.

Tonight was no exception. There were some laughs and it was highly enjoyable, but it was … pedestrian. I want the brilliant writing every week, HIMYM writers! I’m thinking you all are having too many conference calls….

So the big story tonight for the girls is that Marshall’s talk blocking resulted in Robin exploring her Woo Girl self. Most of us were Woo Girls at one point in our lives, so it was fun to relive this, but the stroke of brilliance that came through for the writers were the Woo Girl rhymes. Think Dr. Seuss … I was reminded of the episode of Moonlighting (yeah, I was alive and watching TV in the ’80s) where the entire cast talked in Dr. Seuss rhymes for the full episode. Hilarious. And it worked for HIMYM tonight, too.

The boys? Well, Barney hurt Ted’s feelings and made Marshall mad. Whatever, a very silly and typical sitcom issue. I felt like I was watching Fred and Barney from The Flintstones. Oh, but it did get us some quotes:

  • Sweden’s not France, you know that, right?” – Marshall
    “Oh, it’s France.” – Barney
  • “We’re like Mad Men.” – Marshall
    “I’m going to go smack a secretary on the ass.” – Barney
    “That’s totally what they would do on that show.” – Marshall
    “What show?” – Barney

This and that:

  • A shout-out to Jamie-Lynn Sigler, original Woo Girl, guest star of the week (she was in Entourage this week too).
  • Sven: Swedish Architecture Collective. Amusing.
  • When pigeons attack … short scene, but gave me the giggles.
  • As did Barney’s three hours on the mechanical bull and his resulting inner ear thing. People trip, it’s funny. Thanks John Ritter, for letting the world know.
  • The Conference Call. ‘Nuff said.
  • Are you a Woo Girl? Barney’s speech almost had me convinced that we need Woo Girls in our lives.

Photo Credit: ABC

4 Responses to “How I Met Your Mother – Woo girls and conference calls”

November 17, 2008 at 9:46 PM

I must say I completely disagree. Tonight was one of if not the funniest episodes of the season if not the series. I haven’t laughed out load so many times in an episode for as long as I can remember. Sven, the entire introduction of the Woo Girls, the rhyming all great stuff.

November 17, 2008 at 10:30 PM

Agreed JJ. Best episode of the season. Did nothing to advance the story and that’s OK – it WAS FUNNY. Isn’t that what a comedy is supposed to be?

November 18, 2008 at 12:43 PM

I enjoyed it, though the “woo girls are just sad because they didn’t find their future husband at 18″ thing kinda bummed me out.

Maybe I need to go “woo” more often.

November 19, 2008 at 2:47 PM

LOL, then i’m a woo girl too. Love the episode, it was actually FUNNY!!! :)

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