CliqueClack TV

Things that didn’t suck this week – crazy old rich ladies, lemons, outburts and Spock

“With my investment in this family, I think I should have some say.”– Virginia blackmails Gaby on Desperate Housewives.

I’ve missed Frances Conroy and sad Ruth Fisher since the end of Six Feet Under, so I was excited when she turned up on Desperate Housewives for a multi-episode arc as a crazy old rich lady. Virginia Hildebrand is the kind of desperately lonely person that you feel sorry for, but completely hate at the same time. She makes me uncomfortable, but is still eminently entertaining.

(The good stuff starts around the 5:30 mark)

“Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock!”– Sheldon solves problems on The Big Bang Theory.

We all know that sometimes Rock-Paper-Scissors just isn’t going to settle a dispute. Luckily, Sheldon Cooper’s brain is bigger than ours, so he can give us a game that will solve all conflicts. It’s so effective, in fact, that most of the time, the mere threat of Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock is enough to get what you want.

“I’m the boss, Lemon; you count.” –Muppet Jack Donaghy delegates on Sesame Street.

Sesame Street has officially become awesome. Not only do they have celebrity guest stars like Jon Stewart and Neil Patrick Harris, but now they’re doing Muppet versions of shows like 30 Rock. What’s great about this is that the timing is so dead on, that you can almost believe that Tina Fey was behind this.

“This is the last time! I have a life too, you know!”–Oscar loses his shit on The Office webisodes.

Not only is it great that we’re getting another batch of The Office webisodes, but they center around Oscar. Even better is the fact that they center around an angry Oscar, which is something we do not see nearly enough of. Angry Oscar is kind of scary, and pretty awesome. There are three more webisodes after this. I’ve seen them, and Oscar only gets angrier. It’s pretty amazing.

Photo Credit: ABC

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