CliqueClack TV

See Jane Clack – Veronica Mars, Playboy Bunnies, and those commercials

The theme song to Lipstick Jungle is awesome. It’s hip, jazzy, upbeat, and just plain fun to listen to with its Wurlitzer organ riff. It’s a tune called “The Bomb” from Bitter:Sweet, and available on iTunes and on their album, Drama. I just bought it, so now I’m feeling hip and jazzy. That doesn’t really happen that often, so, yah! for Bitter:Sweet.

Hugh Hefner is a total sleazebag. Hugh, you say you love women, you love being around women, you love everything about women, so why did you dump your aging bunnies for new skin? What are the bunnies supposed to do now, Hugh? Where do aging bunnies go, I ask? I implore you, Hugh. Don’t ditch the bunnies.

I want to be Veronica Mars when I grow up. Just now watching the series on DVD, and that girl is so … how to describe her … sweet, snarky, smart, and sentimental. Kristen Bell is great as Elle on Heroes, but I like her way better as Veronica Mars.

I like watching Crusoe. I can’t say it’s that great of a show, but it’s so nice to have a good, old-fashioned adventure series about ships and natives and islands and whatnot. Why can’t we have more of those? Yes, I want more of those.

I love the commercials. You know the one, with the couple singing a warm, folksy tune while people of all ages sit around a country store, open presents, and laugh and chatter. Why can’t all of life be like that? Why must there be pain and strife? I want to live in an commercial for a while. By the way, that’s Joey Martin’s song, “If Not For You,” and that’s the husband-and-wife team of Joey Martin and Rory Feek. Check it out:

Photo Credit: NBC

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5 Responses to “See Jane Clack – Veronica Mars, Playboy Bunnies, and those commercials”

November 26, 2008 at 4:37 PM

What season of Veronica Mars are you on? The first season is smart and funny, and just great with nice twists and turns. Everyone should watch it.

The second season is … well… you will see.

November 26, 2008 at 4:43 PM

Oreo – I’m on season one! Ok, I’ll steel myself for season two.

November 26, 2008 at 6:34 PM

Season 2 is pretty good. It’s season 3 that you’ll have to steel yourself for, but the series does end pretty well.

It’s one of my all-time favorite shows, and season 1 is some of the best television ever done. Enjoy!

November 26, 2008 at 7:47 PM

You think season 2 is good with the bus, and other things like the episode with Xena? Season one is somewhat realistic, but season two jumps the shark… literally. ;)

December 21, 2008 at 9:57 PM

I despise the “warm folksy” commercial you are talking about! I would like to choke the TV when it comes on. I HATE that song, can’t stand that kind of music and I couldn’t care less if it’s a husband/wife team, it’s crap. I bet that cost at least 11 bucks to produce.

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