CliqueClack TV

Grey’s Anatomy star T.R. Knight is leaving


Entertainment Weekly’s Michael Ausiello is reporting that Grey’s Anatomy star T.R. Knight has asked to be released from his contract. Network representatives have not yet officially confirmed this news. However, reportedly, the details of George’s departure are being hammered out.

I haven’t been able to stomach Grey’s since the beginning of Season two. So, I have to admit I am happy to see further cracks in the show’s ice: First, Kate Walsh’s departure. Isaiah Washington’s shameful behavior. And then the mysterious firing of Brooke Smith (aka Dr. Hahn). I am happy for Kevin McKidd’s gig on the show because I like McKidd so much — not because I am a fan of the show.

If it wasn’t bad enough that Knight was essentially forced into coming out of the closet due to the insensitive remarks of co-star Washington, then Knight suffered the additional indignities of two idiotic storylines in a row. His relationships with Callie and Izzie were pathetic: Why is it that Callie gets to be gay, but George doesn’t? Wouldn’t it be great to see whether Knight’s leading man abilities really manifested if he were allowed to have a romance with someone with whom he has some real chemistry?

I haven’t read any rumors about whether or not Knight has any other possible shows lined up. Ausiello thinks there might be a spin-off, but I think Ausiello is kidding. Of course, that could just be me projecting my desire not to see Grey’s Anatomy creep all over TV … What do you think? Should George stay or should he go?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | General | Grey's Anatomy | News | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Grey’s Anatomy star T.R. Knight is leaving”

December 10, 2008 at 4:44 AM

As much as I loved George in season one, I think it’s time for him to go. His storylines consistently bore me. It’s too late for them to have his character be gay because they’ve already done the gay storyline, and now to introduce another would be overkill. Being a bleeding-heart liberal myself, it wouldn’t bother me but I know there’s plenty of more conservative viewers who just don’t think it’s cool, especially with the amount of sex on the show. You know how it is with the men-folk sometimes. When it’s chicks, it’s hot, but when it’s dudes, God forbid he watch lest someone thinks he enjoys it.

December 10, 2008 at 8:02 AM

Just because someone is gay in real life doesn’t automatically mean they have to play a gay character. Many heterosexual men and women have played gay to great effect without pundits saying that they MUST play straight since that’s their orientation in real life. By saying that, by its very nature, would marginalize and stereotype the TR Knight, in any endeavor going forward. I never got the feeling that the character of George was gay, per se, just that he never had a backbone. In Season 1, he couldn’t admit he had feelings for Meredith. Later, he couldn’t tell Callie he wanted an annulment, and lastly, he couldn’t admit his feelings for Izzie. Earlier this season, he couldn’t even see what was abundantly clear: that Lexie had feelings for him. George is listless, boring, and fairly weak, which defeats the purpose of his character’s growth when his father passed. I agree that its a shame Mr. Knight was forced to “come out,” so here’s hoping he’s not on a string of the Logo version of Lifetime movies.

December 10, 2008 at 9:16 AM

He’s an actor. If the character that he plays does not have the role to fit the plot in GA..obviously he should leave rather than plod on.

December 17, 2008 at 7:59 AM

I think that George’s time has come too. I have no interest inhim whatsoever. He’s already been with Mer, with best friend Izzie, married and divorced, cheated, not in love with new best friend Lexie (thank God for that) and is already a resident, obviously a nice and good doctor but nothing else. Oh yes, he was the Chief’s intern. Wow. He hasn’t done anything interesting in any medical case (since the famous surgery in an elevator) – unlike others (Cris and Cardio, Mer and clinical trials, Alex and the first solo surgery, Izzie and the Clinic) – I mean, I don’t even know what he’s good at! Any more love storylines with George and I’ll fall asleep. I can only think of one more thing: have him fall in love with a patient. Maybe that would make him more interesting. Oh, no, wait – that was already used with both Izzie (Denny) and Alex (Ava). Time to go, say I.

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