CliqueClack TV

American Idol: The elephant in the room – CliqueClack Poll

When we started CliqueClack, we wanted to do what we could to stand out as being different; we didn’t want to give you all the same-old same-old. At the same time, though, we wanted to give you all what you want to see more of, which is why we’ve stuck with episode reviews, something we at one point toyed with not continuing with at all.

That said, there’s this big reality show starting next month that I simply cannot ignore, as much as I try: American Idol. I watch it, but I tend to think our visitors are sick of reading about it. Here at the CliqueClack HQ roundtable, we’ve been discussing what we should do to cover American Idol: should we review each episode? Post about it once in a while? Live-blog it? How about nothing at all (What’s this “American Idol” you speak of?)

Being CliqueClack, you know that no matter what we decide to do, we’ll cover Idol differently than other sites. Our solemn promise to you, our loyal readers, is that we:

  • Will never glorify American Idol beyond its status as reality show. Really people, it’s not like this is Battlestar Galactica or something….
  • Will be honest and forthright with our opinions, meaning you’ll get the snark and insolence you’ve grown to love from us
  • Will have creative pieces, spoofs and, heck, maybe even a contest or two. This is our playground, after all.

So, I’m coming to you to help us decide. Below is a poll with a few general ideas of what direction we might consider. Please go ahead and vote on what you’d like to see here at CliqueClack TV regarding American Idol. Think not just for yourself, but for the site in general. If we cover Idol, will you love us anyway? If there’s something not in the poll, please comment! We’re listening.

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10 Responses to “American Idol: The elephant in the room – CliqueClack Poll”

December 10, 2008 at 6:45 PM

If there was a “I’m just going to skip Idol related posts, so do what you want” option, that would have been me. I might catch the occasional show or two, but that’s really when everything else is in repeats.

December 10, 2008 at 7:06 PM

If I want to read about it, I read what Ken Levine writes. His take on all things AI is so god darn funny and sometimes focuses on tiny things. I don’t watch the show, I don’t like the show, I don’t want to hear about it here.

Let other (crappy) websites cover it. Like, you know, that website that brought us here.

December 10, 2008 at 7:37 PM

I think it’s worth covering just for the behind the scenes drama. Is Paula getting the boot? Why did they let Paula’s stalker in when she said no? Is there tension at the table? Who is drunk? Who is out of line? etc.

So my vote is to cover it, but we all know it’s pap.

December 10, 2008 at 9:28 PM

I can’t stand the show, on or off screen drama, the bad singers, the good. Ick. I voted write on it occasionally, as I suppose its someone’s favorite show, and I’d not deny them coverage no matter how fast I have to skip past it. However, if there is a Daughtry type dude this year, I’d like to know about it; but I think he was definitely an Idol oddity.

December 10, 2008 at 10:05 PM

I’d love to get you guys take on it, but I don’t need you to review every episode or post for every little tidbit of news.

Would you consider doing a weekly round up post? That way you could discuss it, but it wouldn’t take over the blog.

December 10, 2008 at 10:37 PM

If I never see another thing written about it again, it’ll be too soon.

December 11, 2008 at 12:09 AM

Lenny, if you run for President, I’ll vote for you!


December 11, 2008 at 10:29 AM

I’d like to see you continue to review AI but please don’t do like TVS and Big Brother where every third post is about it. Perhaps just cover the performance shows and then post results the next week in the performance review. Tone it down a bit since it’s on so many times a week, but keep reviewing. After all millions of people do watch it.

December 11, 2008 at 12:46 PM

I’d like to see just one more post about AI but it probably won’t happen for at least a few more years. That post will be titled – “Fox cancels American Idol after America wakes up and pulls their heads out of their assess.” But until that glorious day if you decide to post anything else about it I’ll just skip right over it like everyone else that hates it.

December 11, 2008 at 4:07 PM

As you said, a different type of review would be necessary. I admit Idol is my secret obsession, but reviews for the audition process are not necessary. Posts on how the additional change to the format are welcome (i.e. – new judge). When the final 24 come down, I’d like to have posts commenting on the performances. I really enjoyed how Jason Hughes input his own views against the other judges. Maybe this year whatever Clickclaque reviewers watch Idol can post their views as an additional panel of judges.

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