CliqueClack TV

Leverage behind-the-scenes documentary video


I know we’ve got a lot of Leverage fans reading us here at CliqueClack, so you’re going to want to feast your eyes on this little treat. YouTube hosts a behind-the-scenes documentary of Leverage, with insights, interviews, and tid-bits galore.

Leverage is arguably one of the most enjoyable 60 minutes you can spend on TV these days, and I highly enjoyed spending 12 minutes with the creators and cast of the cool con show. Join me after the jump for the video and some teasers.

Besides all of the cast members talking to us about their characters, you’ll learn the answers to some fun questions:

  • How did the idea for Leverage come about? It wasn’t based on Ocean’s 11….
  • What classic ’80s show does Christian Kane think Leverage is a modern-day version of?
  • Which cast member has a natural talent for pickpocketing?
  • How realistic are these cons, anyway?
  • Why is Parker so strange, beyond her rather  unfortunate upbringing?

One of the coolest things? We meet the cast’s technical consultant, Apollo Robbins. Yep, he’s pretty much a professional pickpocket. How fun is that?

Dean Devlin, the show’s creator, states that they all set out to make a fun, adventurous hour in which you can escape the world. If you ask me, they’ve done that and then some.

Speaking of Dean Devlin, there will be an original CliqueClack interview coming up with him in the near future. Any questions you’d like us to ask of him, post them in the comments!

Photo Credit: TNT

Categories: | Clack | General | Leverage | TV Shows | Videos |

4 Responses to “Leverage behind-the-scenes documentary video”

January 4, 2009 at 7:49 PM

Wait. No ‘fun con shows’? Isn’t that what Burn Notice is?

My question for Devlin. I’m happy that you picked Gina B and I loved her in ‘Couples.’ How did you go about deciding casting? Did you tap specific people or were you just lucky with who decided to audition?

January 5, 2009 at 1:03 AM

Oops, I meant to type ‘Coupling.’ Side, side note (and this is a q u can totally overlook, but . . .): I love Christian K’s hair. But recently it’s become a bit unruly. Does Christian have a Samson&Delilah-like relationship to his hair?

January 5, 2009 at 8:32 AM

I agree … Burn Notice is a fun con show, but for some reason I never compared these two. Now I see how much they have in common!

Um … if you haven’t read Bob’s post about … well, starting a write-in campaign, I think you’ll enjoy it:

January 5, 2009 at 9:32 AM

Don’t worry, I did read Bob’s fab post, at the time I didn’t agree until I just watched the 4th ep and thought ‘wow, his hair IS out of control’ and wanted to put it forth as a random Devlin Q should you somehow run out of questions (altho’ I doubt you’d ask that, anyways, what with professionalism and all ;) Happy New Year!

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