CliqueClack TV

Brothers and Sisters disappoints with dream sequences


(Season 3, Episode 11“A Father Dreams”)

I feel like an idiot for actually thinking that MAYBE Brothers and Sisters was going to attempt a dramatic storyline rather than a MELODRAMATIC storyline. What was I thinking? After the steamy scenes in the breath-taking ad for Episode 11 of Brothers and Sisters before the holidays, I had hopes for a scandalous affair between Kevin (who is gay!) and Tommy’s wife Julia (who is boring!) and a long, ugly drawn out custody battle to warm us through the winter. So, imagine my disappointment last night to see that Kevin was trapped instead in a series of dreams and he didn’t even get a pair of ruby slippers out of it.

It’s not a bad thing for a TV show to operate in the dream world. House has done is fabulously (especially in the two-part finale last season). However, in the episode of Brothers and Sisters last night, there wasn’t even a discussion of what those dreams might mean. Well. That isn’t completely fair: Kevin did realize that his dreams about Elizabeth indicated that he wanted children and that he thought he might be a good father after all. However, why did his dreams of becoming a father include seducing his biological daughter’s mother? Yes, I know how babies are made, but Kevin is GAY. Gay, gay, gay. I would have expected him to have dreams about a mayonnaise jar and a turkey baster.

Why does Brothers and Sisters rush to closure? Why not sustain some dramatic tension for future episodes? Are you kidding me that Kevin — does anybody remember that he is a lawyer? — signed a document promising not to reveal Elizabeth’s paternity? Does anybody think that gag orders like that actually work? Is everybody in the family going to sign it? THIS family? Julia was right when she said that somebody will say something. There is nothing wrong with telling Elizabeth that she was adopted by Tommy — that much at least should come out. By Tommy pretending that biology is the only way to go, he is opening himself up for some serious potential rifts with his daughter in the future.

In some ways, having Kevin pursue some sort of visitation of his daughter would have made sense given the conflict between Kevin and Tommy this season. It would have provided some real tension, too, because I think the audience could potentially sympathize with both parties. I think the neat, sewn-up conclusion to this (if it’s really resolved) is an opportunity lost for the future. Instead of going somewhere interesting, it looks like they are going to recycle storylines like Sarah is Bad With Money. Sure, that is a timely storyline for today’s economy, but when I am worried about money, I don’t want to live vicariously through some rich person’s interpretation of financial troubles.

Also, given the recent tabloid attention Matthew Rhys (Kevin) and Balthazar Ghetty (Tommy) have gotten for feuding over flighty star Sienna Miller in real life (coincidentally, Ghetty has now left his wife and kids), having them fight over custody would have potentially been cathartic for everyone. Sigh.

Come on, Brothers and Sisters. Throw us some more interesting bones to chew on. Please.

Brothers and Sisters – The Complete Second Season

Photo Credit: ABC

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