CliqueClack TV

Seven backdrops I’d rather stand in front of than American Idol

American Idol Mall Backdrop

The holidays are over and, with that, so is the massive shopping frenzy that attacked the malls across America. So, you’ve got a few crappy things for Christmas that need exchanging, and in your bestest and cheeriest of moods, you head to the mall to brave the return lines during what should be your lunch hour … which turns into two hours, since it took 45 minutes to find a parking space, 30 minutes to wait for the old hag at the head of the line to sift through purse lint to find a nickel, and … but lo! What’s this? An American Idol backdrop, right here in the mall! Move over Santa — there’s a new, more idiotic photo op in town!

Oh, I wish I were kidding. Starting today, malls across the country will be sporting the backdrops pictured above, where crazed lunatics fans can stand in front of the American Idol logo, and shadows that look nothing like them, in order to get a picture taken for … well hell, I have no idea why. I especially love that they tell you where to stand. Simon judging your lame performance not included.

Here are seven show backdrops I’d rather be caught standing in front of than American Idol:

House mall backdrop

Lost mall backdrop

HIMYM mall backdrop

Biggest Loser mall backdrop

Worst Week mall backdrop

Rock of Love mall backdrop


Photo Credit: FOX;ABC;Showtime;CBS;VH1

2 Responses to “Seven backdrops I’d rather stand in front of than American Idol”

January 6, 2009 at 12:23 PM

Has the country caught on yet to how little winning the competition actually means in terms of success in the music business?

As a concert promoter, I can quite safely tell you that the experience of performing pop covers does not translate into success. Sure the contestants get valuable experience and exposure from performing in front large, televised audiences. However, most of them still end up with no experience with composition, recording, building a compelling stage presence beyond just standing there, and booking and marketing one’s self.

January 8, 2009 at 5:19 AM

This post is frakking funny :-)

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