CliqueClack TV

Lost – Sun is vengeful and Sayid is unconscious

Lost(Season 5, Episode 2 – “The Lie”)

Well, the blazing start that we saw in the premiere seems to be slowing back down a bit to a more normal Lost pace. Well, Lost season four pace, anyway. With so much left to do before the end of the series, I don’t think we’re ever going to see a return to the slow, relaxed pace of the first two seasons. Not that I’m complaining, mind you, these first two episodes have been amazing and if I could, I would watch the rest of the season right now!

This seemed to be a Hurley-centric episode, even though thinking about episodes in that structure seems to be a thing of the past. Most of the action, however, did focus on or around Hugo. We saw that poor Hurley was really struggling with all the lying that the Oceanic Six have been doing. He and Sayid continued to be on the run this episode. I feel bad for poor Naveen Andrews, who had to play Weekend at Bernie’s for this installment, spending the vast majority of the episode knocked out.

Elsewhere, Ben and Jack split up before Jack was summoned to help out with an unconscious Sayid, and Kate visited with Sun. Sun still seems uber-pissed about losing Jin. I thought for a minute she was going to start choking poor Kate. She’s definitely out for some blood, and her meeting with Widmore would certainly indicate she’s looking for Ben’s. I sense that there are going to be some fireworks when she and the bug-eyed Other finally meet up.

It was fun to see Ana Lucia. Even if you were one of the haters, you have to admit that it was a great cameo. I hope Hurley continues to see other dead people. He deserves a little chat with Libby at the very least.

Not too much to talk about on the island this week. It was fun to see Frogurt take a flaming arrow to the chest. He was starting to piss me off, and I was about to impale him with something myself. Things are so crazy right now on the island, I hesitate to even try to talk about where it’s going. My big concern is for Charlotte. We’ve seen that time traveling and bloody noses don’t mix. I’m hoping that Dan can come through for his red-haired crush, because I’m kind of fond of her myself. Plus, she’s on my Lost fantasy team.

The most interesting part of the episode, however, was the last scene, as usual. This episode we saw Ms. Hawking, Desmond’s time traveling helper from season three, working with Ben to pinpoint the location of the island with some strange pendulum-looking device and a computer that looked like it was from the late ’80s. She informed Ben that he has only 70 hours left to get the O6 back on the island.

This season is moving a whole lot faster than I expected, unless Lost is planning on dragging out those 70 hours over the course of the whole season. I was fully expecting that this season would focus on the return to the island, with the group perhaps reaching their destination in the finale. At this point, I’m thinking we may get everyone back to the island a whole lot faster.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Lost | TV Shows |

25 Responses to “Lost – Sun is vengeful and Sayid is unconscious”

January 21, 2009 at 11:08 PM

I don’t remember which episode the conversation with Desmond and Faraday, but my my first thought after that conversation was that Hawking was Faraday’s mother.

January 21, 2009 at 11:16 PM

Anyone notice the obvious “red shirt” reference just before Forgurt got shish kebabed? Awesome.

Oh, and Dorv, I’m sure you’re onto something with that.

January 22, 2009 at 9:28 AM

He was wearing a red shirt, wasn’t he.


January 22, 2009 at 10:27 AM

When Richard was patching up Locke, it seemed to me that his voice sounded similiar to Ben. Can someone confirm/deny that for me? Did I imagine that?

Sun – She wastes her husbands sacrifice being vengeful and zipping all over the planet, while leaving her baby with someone else – of course I realize this makes it more dramatic.

January 22, 2009 at 10:47 AM

I don’t know about the voice, but I do know every time I see Nestor Carbonell I expect to hear him speak with that thick Cuban accent he used on Suddenly Susan.

January 22, 2009 at 12:00 PM

With only 17 hours of episodes this season, I don’t think you could say that Ben’s 70 hours will drag (they’d have to cram just over 4 hours of time into each 1 hour episode). Of course, we don’t know if that 70 hours includes part of next season as well, but either way, there aren’t 70 hours of episodes left so I don’t feel that the show is going to be dragging anything between now and the conclusion!

January 22, 2009 at 12:18 PM

You could be right. Historically, Lost episodes have represented approximately a day per ep. Based on that, I am assuming that the 06 are going to be back on the island in a handful of episodes (if the 70 hours actually holds true). Originally I had assumed that this would be the large arch for the season, but I’m rethinking that.

It’s all based on assumptions at this point, and you can’t really assume anything when it comes to Lost. That’s why we love it, right?

January 22, 2009 at 3:57 PM

When all those arrows came flying out, it got me thinking that it would be interesting if at some point they go so far back in time that they are fighting real primatives, maybe so primative that they worship missing toe statues……

January 22, 2009 at 4:36 PM

There were people watching this with me who never saw the show before. I wanted them to get hit with flaming arrows so they would shut up. But the red shirt getting it instead was a good comprimise (Is it wrong I laughed out loud when it happened?). He was pissing me off too. How since I was with newcomers to the show (who are never watching it again, thank God) I was distracted so I’m just plain confused. However I’m going to say that Sun is going to betray the group. I dont trust her this season.

January 22, 2009 at 5:46 PM

Yes, the more I consider that she left her baby, the more irritated I become with the character. Who leaves their child? Has she gone insane?

January 22, 2009 at 6:06 PM

Yeah, I don’t think Sun is quite in her right mind. Also, the more I think about it, the more I believe she is playing Widmore. Why would she blame Ben for Jin’s death? Ben is responsible for a lot of bad things, but Jin’s death is not one of them. The freighter (which was Widmore’s) was blown up due to Keamy, who was Widmore’s man. Widmore ordered everyone on the island to be killed. Sun must realize this, yes?

I think her story is the one that I am most intrigued about off the island.

January 22, 2009 at 7:56 PM

Could the black “cop” that came to Hugo’s house (and ultimately arrested him) been Abbadon? We never got a close look, but it looked like him to me. Although I’m probably wrong since I haven’t seen anyone else postulate this theory.

January 22, 2009 at 8:09 PM

You’re not crazy. There was one shot last night where I thought the same thing, but discounted it, figuring that I’ve just been watching too much of The Wire lately. I think Lance Reddick is too big of a guest star for a little walk on role.

You did prompt me to go rewatch (DVR rules) the scene. It is a tall, thin, african american, but it’s not Lance Reddick.

January 22, 2009 at 10:12 PM

Sun left her child, or Sun is just traveling?

What I was interested to see is the network that Ben had setup off the island, and that it seems as if they were equals at the least, or that he was reporting to someone (and not necessarily Hawking).

Lost has never been a show that I’ve discussed much online, choosing to try to experience the show without a lot of trying to read into things. But the looking at the group that’s commented here, I might really try to get into it this time around :)

January 22, 2009 at 11:26 PM

Her child is not with her in any case.

I’ve been the same way with the show Dorv, I enjoy it, but I’m not looking for Easter Eggs or anything like that.

January 22, 2009 at 11:34 PM

It is weird that we didn’t see Sun’s kid. Though, I wonder if the kid is with her, just at the hotel with a nanny or something? Sad thing..can’t even remember if it was a boy or a girl. A girl, right?

January 22, 2009 at 11:47 PM

I *think* she said the child stayed home with her mother.

January 22, 2009 at 11:53 PM

That is very possible. I am sad to say, I got distracted during Lost uploading pictures online…so I am going to have to rewatch the 2 hours this weekend.

January 23, 2009 at 12:48 PM

bsg is right. She said she was back at home with her mother.

January 23, 2009 at 2:08 PM

My beef with Sun’s child is at that point it was 3 years since they were off the island. The kid had to been at least 2.5 years at that point. The picture Sun showed Kate looked way too young. You would think that she would have a more updated picture.

January 23, 2009 at 3:11 PM

I don’t understand why Alpert remembered Locke when he was patching up his leg but then told Locke that he won’t remember him when he sees Locke the next time. I loved the compass points North line.

January 23, 2009 at 3:21 PM

I think that Richard must have been told by Locke at some point, most likely at a point in Richard’s past and Locke’s future, about where he was going to be, giving him instructions.

How he knew what date and time it was when Richard found him, I don’t know.

January 23, 2009 at 4:24 PM

I would also theorize that the opening of the first episode ties back to the end of the second.

The first episode we saw Faraday in the Orchid obviously back in time at some point. So Dharma in full swing and the others are still living in the jungle being “hostiles.”

At the end of the second episode, Faraday says he needs to go find out “when” the island is. Hostiles attack with flaming arrows and Juliet, Saywer and Locke encounter Dharma workers. I think it is then safe to assume that Locke will run into Alpert in this time period and give him the compass and tell him where he is in the future to fix his leg.

January 24, 2009 at 1:25 AM

yeah, I think the exact date and time bit is a little suspension of disbelief, but I completely see this presently “skipping” Locke tell a past Alpert to save him.

New supposition: What if it was Jacob that told Alpert to save Locke?

February 4, 2009 at 2:47 PM

What if Alpert IS Jacob?

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