CliqueClack TV

Will American Idol’s Rose Flack slay Hollywood?

rose-flack-american-idolOK, I did it: I turned on American Idol last night. Would it help your opinion of me at all if I said it was really just on for background noise, while I was waiting for Lie to Me to come on?

Regardless of whether or not you believe me, I admit that the last contestant really caught my attention. Rose Flack was a unique charmer, with her batiked dress and bleache blonde sort-of dreads, and her smile that lit up the room.

She had one of those killer stories, too — her parents died when she was young, she still misses them and wishes that they were here to see her succeed, and her adoptive family was wonderful and supportive, as was her brother.

And she could work those judges. Her vocals weren’t stellar, but because she had the whole package, the judges sent her on to Hollywood.

I’m really rooting for Rose. I love the stories about people who’ve had a tough life but have their shit together, enough together that they know who they are and make no excuses about being unique and amazing. She was not in the least bit cocky, but there was not a false air about her.

So in searching for a photo to accompany this post (couldn’t get a screen shot because I really, really don’t DVR AI … yet) I found this one on, and I hope the rumors aren’t true. The site states that they don’t think she made it past Hollywood.

Well, I truly hope someone besides me noticed this unique indvidual and propels her on to stardom. The world needs more role models that can say “be proud of being yourself.”

Photo Credit:

Categories: | American Idol | Clack | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Will American Idol’s Rose Flack slay Hollywood?”

January 29, 2009 at 3:46 PM

I think it would be a great thing for this show to have someone like Rose win this season. She would be such a breath of fresh air.

February 1, 2009 at 11:59 PM

i live in Rathdrum, Idaho they should have shown our crappy skate park also.

February 4, 2009 at 11:06 AM

Rose Flack’s nipple made a split second appearance when she was jumping around on her way out of the performance hall.

February 6, 2009 at 3:19 AM

i love her. hope the rumors aren’t true…

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