CliqueClack TV

Saturday Night Live – Steve Martin; Jason Mraz

Saturday Night Live(Season 34, Episode 14)

Expectations are always high when you get a comedy legend like Steve Martin hosting the show. Not only is he a former cast member, but this episode marked Martin’s 15th time hosting!

Unfortunately, this episode was a big let down. It seems like the cast and writers can’t get any momentum going this season. It seems like one out of every three episodes is pretty good. This was not that one. Steve Martin had some great moments, but overall the show fell flat.

  • Cold Open/Obama: Fred Armison’s Obama impression seems to bounce between good and non-existent. Tonight was not his best night. I have to give him credit for his “oh no, it’s Joe Biden” face. That was priceless. SNL has done a good job turning Biden into a clown-like character. I thought this was a pretty funny skit; it was definitely one of the better cold opens lately.
  • Monologue: I expected more out of Steve Martin, but I’ll give him a pass; he’s SNL royalty. I don’t think anything could compare to his elaborate song and dance monologue from season 17. I’ve embedded that below for your viewing pleasure.
  • Chewable Pampers: Um … gross.
  • MacGruber: Finally a MacGruber skit that I can get behind! How can you not enjoy a sketch featuring Richard Dean Anderson in full MacGyver get-up? The blatant Pepsi product placement was good too.
  • Superbowl Nerds: There were a couple laughs in this skit, but not many. I actually lost interest half way through and stopped paying attention when it started getting really, really strange.
  • Digital Short: “Do you get that it’s King Lear?” totally made the sketch for me. It wasn’t a bad installment of Laser Cats, and one was one of the few high points in this episode.
  • Issues: I think Steve Martin’s costume is the only thing that made me laugh in this skit. Why does it seem like sometimes the costume department is funnier than the writers on this show?
  • Bernie Madoff: Mildly amusing, but honestly, I think it’s a little late in the game to be making Bernie Madoff jokes.
  • Backstage: I think this was the funniest skit of the night. Did you notice all the great stuff in the background too? Chorus line dancers, a llama, a dude in an Abe Lincoln costume. This was Steve Martin at his best. Too bad they don’t have it posted online.
  • Musical Guest/Jason Mraz: His guitar could be sparklier, but he did have a fancy hat.
  • Weekend Update: Rod Blagojevich is comedy gold. All the comedy shows must be so disappointed that his story is pretty much over at this point. Great Angelina Jolie “cameo” during the joke about the California octuplets. SNL has some balls to do the David Paterson schtick again since they took so much flak the last time they did it. It was equally as tasteless in this episode, but the New York audience was eating it up again.

  • Beauty Counter: I understand the Kristen Wiig is popular, but the writers really need to move beyond giving her a funny wig, a crazy voice, and a bizarre character. These past few weeks it really hasn’t been working. This skit was just annoying.
  • Late for School: Apparently, when you host 15 times, you get to do whatever the hell you want, like doing a track off your new banjo CD. I guess it’s geared toward kids?
  • Forefathers of the Game: The old time football photos with Steve Martin holding a gun were pretty funny.
Overall, the episode was pretty disappointing. Hopefully we can get a few more good episodes before the end of the year. What did you guys think of this episode?
Photo Credit: NBC

8 Responses to “Saturday Night Live – Steve Martin; Jason Mraz”

February 1, 2009 at 12:35 PM

-Monologue: Yes not his best but it was still funny and the humor was all Steve Martin style.
-Chewable Pampers: Bad skit to watch if you had a bit too much to drink Saturday night. Vomits….
-MacGruber: I thought this was actually an ad not a sketch. Im expecting to see this during the game tonight.
-Superbowl Nerds: Only time I laughed was the sit on my face lines and the ideas they came up with on the “mints.”
-Laser Cats 4!: Sucked except for Keenan turning into Steve Martin in the end. Its bad when someone on whiskey isnt laughing.
-Issues: Steve Martin has manboobs *snickers*
-Bernie Madoff: Not a bad idea but not funny.
-Backstage: Ahh the power of being Steve Martin
-Whoever the musical guest was: Music was sleep inducing
-WU: Best part of the night. New girl does a good Jolie impression.
-Beauty Counter: WTF? I used to like Wiig but this is getting annoying now.
-Late for School: Was this for kids? Seriously is it a kids album?
-ESPN Classic: My favorite of the night. Maybe because by this point i detoxed.

In all it was below average. Biggest dissapointment was he didnt try to kill Alec Baldwin like his last few appearences.

February 1, 2009 at 12:48 PM

Steve Martin actually wasn’t ever a cast member of the show, he’s just made 1 billion appearances.

February 1, 2009 at 12:53 PM

You’re right, he wasn’t a cast member. I’m floored by this! He’s even on the cover of the complete 3rd season DVD. Wow…

March 30, 2009 at 6:35 PM

I think I know why he is on the cover of the 3rd season DVD. It’s because he hosted 3 times in this season; indeed, he made the Season Premiere, The Christmas Special and the Season finale. He was never a cast member, as Dave said, and he was right.

February 1, 2009 at 1:13 PM

My god RDA has let himself go… exhale man… he looks like Matthew Perry right out of rehab…

February 1, 2009 at 4:11 PM

The sketches have the NBC logo in the corner of the screen, while the commercials don’t. The MacGruber Pepsi ads didn’t have the logo.

February 2, 2009 at 6:38 AM

IIRC, Steve Martin used to play banjo on SNL back in the day too, with that goofy arrow on his head, but nothing ever made me laugh like King Tut. All in all it wasn’t a horrible episode though. Laser Cats always makes me giggle. But seriously, Armisen’s Obama impression is just getting worse over time…I can’t imagine four more years of it.

March 22, 2009 at 12:43 AM

I still do not understand this horrible terrible no good very bad banjo song they let/made Steve Martin sing. I know he’s got a CD now or something but seriously, do not let someone do something that awful on national television. Ew.

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