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Lost in Lost – Whose canoes?

LostRevelations were hard to come by this week in Lost land. This week’s episode, “The Little Prince,” was mostly character driven. I usually defend such episodes, but this week rubbed me the wrong way for some reason.

There were some interesting tidbits that we can dig into, though. The one mystery that really caught my imagination this week was the canoes that the castaways found in their camp, with Ajira Airways water bottle in them. If you weren’t aware, Ajira Airways actually has its own website. If you feel like digging around, there are some Lost Easter eggs there, or you can just visit Dark UFO and check them out without any effort.

I’m fairly convinced that the canoes that we saw were in the future. It’s my theory that the Oceanic Six will take Ajira Airways back to the island, probably within a few episodes. The real question that the episode raised was who was in the second canoe firing at the left-behinders? I think there are a few legitimate options:

  • The Oceanic Six: This is my favorite theory. If the left-behinders did time jump into the future, as the Ajira Airways bottle, decrepit camp, and previously unseen canoes would lead us to believe, then it’s not a great leap to think that the O6 are back on the island at that point. Why would they be chasing their friends and shooting at them? Well, I would have to think that they are under the impression that some other group (maybe the Others) have stolen their other canoe and they’re trying to get it back. In any case, I think we’ll get an answer to that question soon. I fully expect to see the O6 watch the canoe up and disappear as they fire on it.
  • The Others: We know that the Others like to fire guns at people in boats. They have a bit of a history with this. This is probably the easiest answer, however, which is why I’m ready to discount it. Lost doesn’t usually go for the easy answers to any of their mysteries.
  • The left-behinders: This would be a complete mind frak. We know how much Lost likes mind fraks, so I’m not discounting this option, even though it seems unlikely. With all the time jumping that those left behind are doing, it isn’t out of the question that they may find themselves back in a canoe during some other time jump. I can’t find a good reason why they would be shooting at themselves, but it could be possible. Perhaps they don’t put two and two together and they don’t realize that they are firing at themselves.
  • The Dharma Initiative: The DI is the only other party that’s been on the island for a good period of time. If that Ajira Airways bottle isn’t an indication that the left-behinders time jumped into the future, then it could be those dastardly scientists of the DI who are firing at them. Most likely they would have them confused for a group of “hostiles.” As I said before, though, I’m pretty convinced that they were in the future, so I don’t think is the answer.

Do you have any theories about this week’s episode?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Columns | General | Lost | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Lost in Lost – Whose canoes?”

February 9, 2009 at 4:23 PM

I simply don’t know and it’s kind of useless to speculate. I don’t have enough information and what we are basically doing is digging up storylines in other Sci-Fi/Fantasy shows and adapt them here, something Lindelof/Cuse most likely have done too but on top of that they most likely added a twist (or at least I hope so).

This is like playing Sudoku with only two numbers in each square and that’s too many variables for my taste.

I’m not even really interested in the canoes, not even in Russeau or that Jin is still alive. With mixing up all the timelines now everything’s possible and I honestly don’t like that. It’s like on Heroes with the twist that you can’t change things which will most likely result in people _trying_ to do something like Desmond in the bar in “Flashes before your eyes” but it not resulting in any change – everything he did differently didn’t change the outcome. We’ll see more of that – and funny enough with that said the whole plot now becomes useless. All we’ve seen is set in stone so what is the use of timetravel? Russeau will die no matter what. Everything we see now has no consequences, right? I mean even IF they are in the future now they won’t be able to change anything because not being able to change anything means that FATE exists. And until I know what is what on screen (like said elsewhere – in Damages we see the past in sepia) I don’t really care anymore. I mean if Fate is fate you could even put a gun to your head and it would not kill you, right?

Sorry but I really feel that until the end of the season I will be pissed about Lost again. Until they start giving definitives again.

February 9, 2009 at 6:55 PM

Honestly, I just don’t care. I think it’s pointless to try to figure anything out. All we know for sure is that there are no rules, so the writers are just throwing things at us to try to make us gasp. But don’t we only have about 24 episodes left, overall? Jesus – start making some sense out of something. Make me want to see the end for craps sake. I watch it, but nothing this season has made me long for the next week. Somehow I doubt that’s what they were intending.

February 9, 2009 at 9:20 PM

your photo of miles made me think of the easter egg that was when he was asked if he was from the island. am i the only one who thinks that miles is sun’s child? possibly with the asian guy in all the dharma initiative videos?

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