CliqueClack TV

Dollhouse – Oh my God Becky, look at her butt!


Dollhouse had its big premiere Friday night, and laid the groundwork for a whole host of mysteries. We’re going to have to wait to find out just what Caroline did that left becoming an active as her only option, where Dr. Saunders got those scars, what the backstory on Alpha is, how Boyd ended up working for criminals, and why Ballard is so obsessed. We did get the answer to one big mystery though… Thong.

Seriously, that’s not a dress. That’s a frilly t-shirt. And it left me wondering, did they take the T&A too far?

Now, before we get started, let me assure you that this is not me being a prude and telling everyone to get off my lawn. Truth be told, I’m about as big a pig as you are likely to find when it comes to scantily clad girls in television. I almost always look at it as a very good thing. Years ago, I was a huge fan of Hot Springs Hotel, which had scripts that only served to give you the loosest of reasons for Avalon Anders, or one of her buxom pals, to take their tops off. Before MOJO folded up their tent, I had a season pass set for The Girls Of Stare, which did away with the script entirely. And do you remember Charisma Carpenter in the black bikini on Veronica Mars? I thanked more deities than you can name for that scene.

That being said, something about the way they kept going back to that well in the premiere didn’t sit right. Whether it was the anti-dress, the massage table, the Sierra upskirt while getting her treatment, or the co-ed showers, it was just off. It took a bit, but what I’ve finally settled on is that it was cheap, and this show should be above it. It also leaves me wondering if this is what all the talk about the network wanting changes boiled down to.

You could certainly argue that I’m not being fair, and judging Dollhouse by a harsher criteria. But Dollhouse has so much more going for it. Such gratuitous displays send the message that someone doesn’t believe the story is good enough. That the only way to attract an audience is going to be to show us Eliza Dushku’s butt. Granted, I’ve watched plenty of TV and movies for less substantial reasons, but that idea sells the Dollhouse story short.

While I tend to agree with a lot of what the more luke-warm reviews have said about the pilot, it did manage to set the stage for a very interesting mystery. I can’t wait to learn more about Alpha. And Boyd? We got one line about his past and it opens up so many doors. Aren’t you wondering if he’ll end up working with Ballard? We’ve already seen evidence that there are problems with Echo being wiped, and really, the sooner the better on that end. A little wiped Echo goes a long way. As she recovers memories though, those scenes at the Dollhouse are going to get very good. Those are the things that are going to make this show sink or swim, not ridiculously short dresses.

What do you think? Did they go too far with it? Or am I just off my nut?

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Clack | General | TV Shows |

12 Responses to “Dollhouse – Oh my God Becky, look at her butt!”

February 14, 2009 at 1:23 PM

I agree. While I happen to like the look of Echo’s butt, I was bothered by the way they kept going to that. I was expecting so much more from the show. After it was over I could not decide if it were good or not. I will watch again, but if I want gratuitous nudity I will watch H.O.T.S or the Malibu Express series. If that is the way Doll House is going to try to gain an audience I will get bored fast and go back to watching old bowling on ESPN Classic.

February 14, 2009 at 3:30 PM

I just take the dress/nightgown/slip/whatever as part of her outfit for that guy. it’s obvious he paid to have her as the perfect date for his birthday, so why not choose the clothing & all? i do give the guy some points for an awesome bike race. damn i’d like to race a street bike like that thru town.

February 14, 2009 at 4:43 PM

It didn’t bother me in the slightest. I think coed shower and such fits the bill for those blank slates.

February 14, 2009 at 6:51 PM

Well, I’m the gal that said I’d watch Eliza watching paint dry, so watching her in that little number was nothing but pleasure. Outside the fact that she’s awesomely gorgeous, it really brought to light that they were selling these people as fantasies.

HOWEVER, I think they turned right around and confused the issue with her first “full” assignment being a kidnap negotiator. I could have used a bit more fantasy before an active being plopped into the middle of that situation made sense. I mean why in hell would a father use a fantasy wipe to negotiate the successful release of his daughter?

To me THAT was the juxtaposition of the show, and what made me question its motives. Its like two sides of two different coins. The connect between fantasy and/or operative was what was off. Leave the “lost pants” action – matter of fact, I’m going in for another view!

February 14, 2009 at 6:55 PM

Maybe is because i’m a woman, but that didn’t bother me at all. I didn’t even noticed until i read the review. I was an awesome start and i can’t wait to see the rest of it!!! :)

February 14, 2009 at 7:01 PM

Brett, I think you raise a good point. However, I’m curious as to what feminists might think, as Joss has always received (and rightly so) a lot of support from feminist groups.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t bother me at all, for this specific reason: Anything that brings ratings to a Joss show early on is fine in my book.

February 14, 2009 at 7:40 PM

Well, Dorv, I’d consider myself a modern day feminist. I’m all for sexy women, equal pay, and men who hold the door open for me. I’d say that makes sense. I don’t mind gratuitous sexiness…I think if a woman has it there is no problem in using it. The actives aren’t considered stupid, they come off as smart and witty. Nothing makes me happier than seeing a beautiful, smart woman kicking some ass…and I think we will see a lot of ass kicking in Dollhouse, especially as more of the memories start to free themselves.

February 14, 2009 at 8:24 PM

I’m not sure why a feminist would care if she was showing too much, as long as it was her decision to do so; Which I guess can be debated. Does she have free will? My guess is no. Will she be able to assert her free will later on? My guess is yes. (If the show lasts long enough.)

February 14, 2009 at 8:00 PM

It didn’t bother me, and I also consider myself a feminist. I thought that, aside from the obvious visual appeal, it was used to show the extent to which the actives are viewed as commodities and not people. Their bodies are just another asset to be used.

February 14, 2009 at 9:16 PM

It didn’t bother me either. I thought it was used appropriately in the episode and helped move the story along.

The shower scene in particular. That one scene of everyone showering together without regard to each other was a huge statement for their ‘life’ when not imprinted.

I also think that the 2 personalities that Echo portrayed in the episode were so opposite and that was the point. The first personality was traditionally little clothed, bike riding sexy, while the second was also sexy but in a buttoned up fully clothed sorta way.

I think the show had a great start and look forward to more.

February 15, 2009 at 1:47 PM

This FOX comeback choice for Joss is certainly a strange one. The network of course doesn’t mention Firefly in its marketing (don’t want to get the blood boiling), instead choosing to focus on the Buffy appeal. After seeing it, this makes sense since it’s definitely more for the Buffy crowd. However, it could have also been targeted more widely beyond the Buffy fan base. It’s pretty much alias with mind-wipes as a device to develop any sort of plot scenario the writers feel like utilizing.

Definitely didn’t get me hooked. It tried to be deep, but came off as hollow. I was bored and didn’t mind walking away into the kitchen to mess with food repeatedly. To be fair, Firefly also started out really slow (that’s what kept the viewers from coming back), but I don’t see this one having the potential to be anywhere near as compelling. I have a hunch that this is not going to be a compelling ensemble show, but a “women dealing with all kinds of baggage” show. However, while I am not into it, I can certainly see a general American audience getting into it, if marketed in the right way (and not on Friday night).

February 15, 2009 at 11:31 PM

It was too much too soon.

Where’s the tease?

They are givin’ it all away on a first date!

Although I ‘spose it kept my eyes glued to the opening scenes…

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