CliqueClack TV

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – Sarah and Kyle Reese are reunited

TerminatorIt’s nice to have Terminator back, isn’t it? It’s been a while, and I certainly hope the long lay off and the switch to the time slot of doom won’t kill the show completely. In any case, I’m going to be enjoying this final batch of episodes of the season.

This week’s episode saw Sarah waking up in the hospital with a bullet buried in her leg from the cliffhanger back in December. The really interesting part of the situation, however, were the visions of Kyle Reese that Sarah had throughout the episode. We know Sarah’s not the most mentally stable individual in the world, but this whole thing seems like the writers were borrowing from Battlestar Galactica.

I’m not really being fair, I suppose, because I thought the Kyle Reese visions worked in the episode. We got to see a bit of a tender side of Sarah as she interacted with her vision of Reese. It was almost refreshing to see her as vulnerable as she was in this episode, even if she did manage to strangle a law enforcement officer nearly to death. She’s nothing if not tough, that’s for damn sure.

The real question I have about the whole thing is: if Kyle Reese was just a figment of Sarah’s imagination, why would she imagine him with such horrible facial hair? The soul patch? The patchy beard? Really? She couldn’t imagine him up a razor and some shaving cream?

All things considered, I think it was an effective and different (for this show, anyway) story telling technique. I just hope we don’t get visions in every episode moving forward. I have the feeling that we won’t, though. It definitely seemed like the visions were brought on by the stress that her body was under.

Does anyone else get the feeling that Jesse has had about enough of Riley? I think she may help the blonde finish what she started in the bathtub. Time will tell.

Are you as happy as I am to have Terminator back?

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

11 Responses to “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – Sarah and Kyle Reese are reunited”

February 14, 2009 at 11:09 AM

Glad it’s back too ;)

February 14, 2009 at 2:00 PM

Wow… Just read that the ratings a a mere catastrophe for T:TSCC and Dollhouse. We better enjoy every minute of the shows as long as we can…

February 14, 2009 at 3:05 PM

no mention of john henry outing weaver? or him knowing about cromartie & the body he’s in just by googling “james ellison”? or weaver killing everyone at the warehouse? what was up with that?

February 15, 2009 at 6:30 AM

This site often just touches on parts of television shows that the reviewer finds interesting, which lends it a welcome brevity. If you’re looking for exhaustive recaps, TWoP is a good way to spend a weekend.

February 14, 2009 at 4:51 PM

The visions better be over. I don’t want that device coming back.

February 14, 2009 at 8:30 PM

Actually it seemed that the writers were giving a call back to the director’s cut of T2. While she was in the mental hospital she had visions of Kyle Reese. So it was faithful to the history of the character.

February 15, 2009 at 6:46 AM

I’m glad the Kyle appearance was exactly what I thought it would be and was struck by the connection between the two actors, even with the nine year difference in their ages. It made for some wonderful scenes, even referencing T1 and T2 directly, and I don’t fear a recurrence of Head Kyle. I think he’ll be gone with Sarah’s wound.

I loved how Connor Trineer’s county sheriff appeared so professional and likeable throughout the episode. He wanted to give the benefit of the doubt to Jane Doe, even with her bullet wound, discharged .45 ACP, and lack of ID. I thought he was a friend or relative of the doctor — I didn’t recognize him as her abuser until the Mexican standoff.

I thought it was hilarious that John Henry was geeking out over the Bionicle characters and their backstories, and that Murch was an idiot to give him warrior toys and Internet access. And I was immensely satisfied at the mother-son parallel between Sarah-John and Weaver-John Henry. Almost as much as Weaver cutting a swath through a warehouse of her employees and calmly walking out THROUGH a giant explosion. A nice counterpoint to the thoughtful mood of the rest of the episode.

This show is too smart to survive, but I’ll enjoy the ride to the end.

February 15, 2009 at 9:47 AM

I just read the ratings. I’ll miss this show too, Ryan.

February 15, 2009 at 9:53 AM

To paraphrase Monty Python: “It’s not dead, yet.”

I’m holding out hope, as crazy as it seems.

February 15, 2009 at 10:25 PM

Oh, I hope vehemently for renewal too, but I’ll harbor no ill will toward FOX. They didn’t have to bring it back for a second season, and they definitely didn’t have to give us the back nine episodes after ratings dropped to their current state. I’m just grateful we got what we did and that Friedman, et al. didn’t dilute the show’s strong writing or abandon character moments for chases/firefights/explosions in a misguided attempt to increase ratings.

February 17, 2009 at 12:47 PM

Injury/Fever/Illness-generated images of old lover/partner/relation/friend: a tired old trope which this show should be better than.

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